Chapter 24: Pre-Teen (D/N) and (S/N)?

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Hey guys! So a big time skip ahead, as (S/N) and (D/N) are now both 15. And Amelia and (Y/N) are in their mid 30's. But they still look and act young as ever somehow. And Hololive is still a thing in the future as well. Hope you enjoy this chapter. And after this we have 1 more chapter left then the book is finally complete! I'll talk to you guys at the end of the chapter! Also will have a song in this chapter too! Key notes

(F/A) = Favorite Artist
(F/S) = Favorite Song
(M/CN) = Music Channel Name

( (Y/N)'s and (D/N)'s POV )

It was late afternoon. (Y/N) was in his studio room making a song, (D/N) was also with him as she took an interest in music like her father did. Amelia was with (S/N) showing him what it was like being a Virtual Youtuber.

(D/N): So this is where you write and make your music at Dad?

(Y/N): Yup, you can thank (F/A) for getting me into writing music.

(D/N): Really? Who's (F/A)?

(Y/N): You wouldn't know, because you weren't born around the time he was popular.

(D/N): Wow... Ok dad, I'm sorry that I wasn't born at that time. Jeez..

(Y/N): I'm just teasing you sweetheart. Anyways, I'm gonna record a quick slow song right about now. You gonna stay and watch or wanna go with your mother?

(D/N): I wanna watch!

(Y/N): Alright, get my Acoustic Guitar sweetheart. It's in the back where the speakers are.

(D/N): Alright!

After (D/N) got (Y/N)'s guitar. (Y/N) showed her all of the stuff you'll need for a studio. A microphone, a booth, and all the other stuff. He set-up everything, got the instrumental ready, and started singing.

( Play Song Above )

Verse 1:
I have some stuff to say,
Being somebody else,
Is usually easier than being yourself...
Depression is not no game,
But people play it like it is,
If I can act on my feelings...

Hook 1:
Softly until the morning...
Acting like I'm always fine..
With no-one around me..
And it drowns my feelings...

Verse 2:
But after I found my love...
I feel like a whole new man...
And she's the one that holds my heart...
But after I found my love...
My whole demeanor changed...
And I've never felt so happy now...

( Song Ends Here )

After the song ends. (D/N) was tearing up because of how soft and beautiful the song was.

(D/N): Never knew you could play so well. Who was the person you was referring too?

(Y/N): Who else is the most important woman in my life that's next to you?

(D/N): Mom?

(Y/N): Bingo, keep this between us alright sweetheart?

(D/N): Why not tell her about the song now? Doesn't she like the songs that you make?

(Y/N): She does, and I want here to listen to it when I upload it on my Music Channel (M/CN).

(D/N): Oh, Alright!

( (S/N)'s and Amelia's POV )

(S/N): So what was it like being a Virtual Youtuber Mom?

Amelia: If you can handle the hate you can get from time to time then it's amazing!

(S/N): Why do people hate you some times?

Amelia: Because I ground pound moms, married to your father, and they don't like the content I make.

(S/N): You groundpound what?!

Amelia: Nothing! Anyways, but yeah that's some of the reasons why I think they don't like me.

(S/N): Why is it that they hate you because to you're married to Dad?

Amelia: Simps..

(S/N): What's that?

Amelia: You'll learn when you're a bit older.

Amelia and (S/N) continued chatting about what was it like. They talk about the cancel culture, toxic individuals you'll meet in the process, lack of privacy, work schedules, and all the other stuff.
Amelia started to design (S/N)'s Virtual Avatar as she did the same for (D/N) as because in the future she wanted all of them too do a big Virtual collaboration with the Hololive EN crew.

Couple of hours later, they meet up with each other in the living room and decided to play some Super Smash Bros on the big screen T.V. there were some rage here and their but at the end of the day, it was all for fun. It was mostly (Y/N) and Amelia raging at each other while (S/N) and (D/N) were having the time of their lives listening to them arguing to each other.

Finally it was close to midnight. Although (S/N) and (D/N) both have grown now, they still get their goodnight kisses from their parents as their were still their baby in the heart. And they finally went to bed.
And scene, hope you're ready for the final chapter! Also, I'm going to be publishing a chapter on most of my books today if I can. Anyways I hope you all have a fantastic day and I'll see you all in the final chapter!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

P.S. Sorry for the short chapter this time, I didn't have a specific topic to write in this chapter so I just went in blind not knowing the topic.

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