Chapter 8: A Day With Kiara!

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You guys ready for a bonding time with Kiara? I thought it'll be fun taking (Y/N) and Kiara too a karaoke place. So let me what you guys think of it!

( No-one's POV )

It was late afternoon, the sun was barely still out, and (Y/N) just got up and started getting ready for his hang out with Kiara. They planned ahead of times that they'll go to a Karaoke place at night. As (Y/N) finished getting ready, he worn a hat on his head that still had his (F/C) hair showing out on the side, but he just leaves it as it is, and also wore a long-sleeve shirt that was dark black as is was cold outside and also a hoodie that was (F/C). And some long dark jeans as well to add it up with a pair of Purple sneakers to complete his outfit.

(Y/N) got to his garage and took his BMW again as well. He drove off from the entrance and on to the road and off (Y/N) goes to the karaoke place. It took a hot minute for (Y/N) too arrive, but eventually he made it their just in time seeing Kiara walking down the sidewalk wearing a orange hoodie but still have shorts on. He thought to himself on how did Kiara get here so fast by just walking. Then the answer popped in his head.

(Y/N): 'She probably took the cab'

(Y/N) parks his BMW, locked it up, and started heading towards Kiara direction as (Y/N) shouted towards her to get her attention.

(Y/N): Kiara!

Kiara: (Y/N)!

Kiara yells out back at (Y/N) as she jogs towards his direction and eventually gave each other a friendly hug. They pulled away and (Y/N) was the first too speak.

(Y/N): Ready to do some singing?

Kiara: Can you even sing at all, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Kiara, I make music for a living. What do you think?

(Y/N) took offense too Kiara's comment but not really as he just wanted to mess with her too see how she will react.

Kiara: I mean... even if you do, it can still be bad at it right?

(Y/N): .......... You right ............

(Y/N) says in defeat, after they finished up their conversation, they headed inside of the karaoke place together, they made it to the front desk and asked the person who works at it if they can get a room that's available. Eventually they found the spot that was free and the person at the front desk took them their (Y/N) and Kiara said thank you too the person as they entered the room it was filled with all sorts of neon lights and the karaoke machine was in the front. (Y/N) and Kiara looked at each other and spoke in sync.

Kiara/(Y/N): So, who's singing first?

Kiara and (Y/N) paused themselves before (Y/N) finally offered himself too sing first up. Kiara sat down on the chair and (Y/N) started messing with the karaoke machine trying to look for the song that he really likes.

(Y/N): Really?! They dont got my favourite song in here?!

Kiara: Which issss???


(Y/N) yells happily as he plays the song he was looking for which was "Watch Me Whip" by Silento (JK IM JOKING!)

(Y/N) yells happily as he plays the song he was looking for which was a classic for alot of people. And the song was called "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet boys.

( Play the song if you want to follow along the singing )

Kiara immediately sparks up as she notices exactly what song it was by just the first note of the song.


(Y/N) passes another mic for Kiara and stand right next to him and started singing together and pretended if they were on the stage.

(Y/N): "You are... My Fire.. The one.. desire... Believe.. When I say.. I wannttt it thattt wayyy!"

Then Kiara took over the next part of the song and they were getting into a rhythm of when to go next on the singing.

Kiara: "But wee... are two worlds.. apparrtt.. cant reach too.. your heartt.. when you say.. I want it that wayyy..!"

Then the hook came on finally and they sung together at the same time, and added to there fun times, everytime the song said "tell me why" they point their fingers at each other like if they were accusing one another.

Kiara/(Y/N): "TELL ME WHYY!!??"

Kiara: "Ain't nothing but a hearttttachhee!!"

Kiara/(Y/N): "TELL ME WHHYYY!?"

(Y/N): "Ain't nothing but a mistakeeee!"

Kiara/(Y/N): "JUST TELL ME WHY!?"



They'd continued to yell out on the top of their lungs for a couple of hours having a time of their lives singing to classic music with each other. Their favourite songs they did was "I want it that way" by "The BackStreet Boys", "Because Of You" by "Kelly Clarkson", and they got some country music in their too like "Your Man" by "Josh Turner" and "Take me home, Country Roads" by "John Denver".

It was getting very late and they decided to head back home. Like the nice person that (Y/N) is, (Y/N) offered a ride for Kiara back to her house as well. Surprisingly Kiara accepted as (Y/N) thought she was gonna say no. So they got inside (Y/N)'s car and (Y/N) drove her back home. Eventually (Y/N) made it to her house and they said their goodbyes as they parted ways. Then (Y/N) started driving back to his house as well as it took a while since both of there houses are far away from each other. Fortunately, he finally made it back to his house and flopped in bed and slept for the rest of the night.
Just a little teaser, the next bonding moment will be with Ina! You and Ina gotten a better relationship with each other over the past week and because of the minecraft stream you did with Ina. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and as always, have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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