Chapter 3: A Way Out With (Y/N)!

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I know Gura and Amelia played "A Way Out" Already. But just pretend it was (Y/N) and Amelia that was playing "A Way Out" Together.

( No-one's POV )

The scene was changed into a screen with (Y/N) and Amelia's avatars on screen with the game title "A Way Out" in the middle.

Amelia: Helloooooo! Everyone! Today we'll be playing "A Way Out" with (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Helloo, chat!

After having their hello's, They started up the game. (Y/N) was playing as Leo. And Amelia was playing as Vincent. As the game starts Vincent was seen in the prison bus as Leo looks down at it.

(Y/N): Fresh Meat! That's what they say when a new prisoner arrives right?

Amelia: I dont know, (Y/N). But you ain't getting this Fresh meat!!

(Y/N): Ya' I am!

Amelia: Uhuh!

Then the scene changes to Vincent undressing as the officers checks him and the screen gets censored for a while. But the audio was still clear

Amelia: They gotta, check my butthole for stuff. That's what they do right?

(Y/N): You're gonna let a grown man pat you down while you're naked? That's kinda lewd.

Amelia: If you want, I'd let you pat me down..

(Y/N): Oh, really? Alright then, let me be the cop!

Amelia: Wait, we're still censored right? The scenes already over.

(Y/N): Yikes.. this conversation sounds bad out of context..

The scene fast fowards too Vincent and Leo in a car chase with the cops. Vincent was driving the truck and Leo was shooting at the cops with the shotgun as Vincent drove away dodging cars and other stuff.

Amelia: Shoot the cops, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I'm trying! But you're driving all over the place!

Amelia: Well aim better!

(Y/N): Well drive better you forehead!

They continue to argue with each other during the chase scene until it finally ends. And fast forward with the scene/game. The scene was now shown with Vincent and Leo with their hands in the air as cops surrounds them.

Amelia: Now, how are we gonna get out of this one chief?

(Y/N): I have no idea.

Then a twist in the game happens as Vincent points the gun at Leo.

Vincent: I'm sorry, Leo..

(Y/N): You snake!

Amelia: I'm sorry! It's part of my job!

Then Leo takes Vincent hostage as he uses him to get to the Police car that was ahead of them.


Vincent: Leo, I'm sorry.. please dont be angry with me!

Leo: Angry!? You haven't seen me angry! You back-stabbing-pig!

The scene changes too Leo aiming the gun at Vincent and (Y/N) and Amelia were arguing with each other in a funny way.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Ame..

Amelia: Nooo!

(Y/N) pushes the trigger on his controller and Leo shoots Amelia who was playing as Vincent. Then Vincent gets shot by Leo. And the ending for Leo plays on the screen, Leo and his family were driving out of town as another scene changes too Vincent in a casket as the police force where honoring him and then the credits play.

(Y/N): That was the saddest ending I ever saw. *sniffle*

Amelia: I cant believe you shot me.

(Y/N): I cant believe you tried to betrayed me.

Amelia: Its not my fault its the games fault!

(Y/N): Yeah, Yeah I know. Soo, Superchat time!?

Amelia: Yep!
                          (TIME SKIP)

( No-one's POV )

(Y/N): Thank you, Dadsdart45 for the $10 superchat "Do you and Ame love each other?"

Amelia avatar blushes as the same goes for (Y/N)'s avatar too, as they look at each other for a whole minute in silence before they spoke again.

Amelia: Ehmm, oh! Thank you terryfighter332 for the $30 Superchat! "Are you and (Y/N) dating by any chance?"

They were in silence again before just stop reading the superchat in general because they were all of these types of questions so they did there outro and relaxed after the stream.

Amelia: Alrighty, thank you guys for participating in our stream! We'll start again another day. Byeee!!

(Y/N): Byyee!
And scene, thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you love the upbeat feeling that this story is having so far because I also love it as well. Anyways I hope you're all having an awesome day and enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I do, and as always. Have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing out!

764 words....

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