Chapter 23: And Hololive EN Still Lives On!

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Hey guys! Hope you're ready for another chapter! Were closing in on the end! Only 2 more chapters left too go! In this chapter were going to be seeing how the Hololive EN Group continues to stream after all these years, they're always streaming when they can, but I never mentioned it in the other chapters that they just stream off chapters etc. So yea. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll talk to you all at the end!

Btw just a quick key note (SH/N) = Ship Name

( No-one's POV )

It was early afternoon, (Y/N) was streaming Tekken 7 with Amelia and the kids in the background. And (Y/N) was in a public lobby but with Gura, Calli, Kiara and Ina as well with randoms fans that comes in too play Tekken 7 with (Y/N). The characters he usually play in the Tekken series is Alisa, Asuka, Armored King, Eliza, Bryan, and if he's feeling very toxic he'll pull out Lucky Chloe.

But at the end of the day (Y/N) can still play with any character he's given and use them to their fullest potential and would still win, even with the weakest character in the game. (Y/N) wanted to be undefeated at the end of the stream and at the start of the stream, he is currently 4-0 and you can guess where those wins came from.

(Y/N): Okay, guys! Who wants to fight me next?

P0stMaN34: Nah, I'm scared to fight you.

GurableShrimp34: Nope. I'm good.

Pr0Tr4t10r: I'll take on the challenge!

(Y/N): Hmm, alright protraitor. Let's see what you got.

(Y/N) invites him to the game, two minutes later he enters the lobby. And (Y/N) started the game and enter the character selection screen. ProTraitor picked Negan, the DLC character. And (Y/N) picked Asuka. Then they randomized the map selection as well.

(Y/N): So.. he picked Negan. Alright then

Amelia: Is Negan hard to fight against for you or something babe?

(Y/N): Kind of... he's a semi fast fighter and I'm playing a character that excels in hard hits etc.

Amelia: So that's good then right?

(S/N): Nope. Because the faster character usually have the chance to hit first and stop their attack before the heavy hitter even lands it Mom.

Amelia: Oh..

(D/N): How are you and daddy so good at video games, (S/N)?

(S/N): Because he teaches me and I just have a good sense when it comes to fighting games somehow.

As they continue to chat in the background. The game loads in and the characters intro plays but was skipped as well. As soon as the game started, Negan throws a low attack on Asuka catching (Y/N) off-gaurd and after a top power hit, the floor in the bottom of them breaks, (Y/N) is already half health and Negan is still at full.

(Y/N) comes back with his own combo, using a kick to launch him in the air. Then starts to Juggle Negan with Asuka. After a juggle for a 12 hit combo, (Y/N) drops him and then continues the assault. But the game stopped him missing an attack which got Negan back up and was also in Rage. He hits a small combo on (Y/N) then ended it off with the Rage Attack having the round 0-1.

H0gM41n: Whoa. (Y/N) lost a round?!

(SH/N)34: Ripperoini. (Y/N) is losing...

Calli: Ha! He's gonna lose!

Gura: You got this (Y/N)! Dont give up!

Kiara: I dont know who to root for...

Ina: You can do it (Y/N)!

Everyone was either shocked or ecstatic. Shocked in the fact that (Y/N) lost the first round which never happens, and ecstatic that it seems that (Y/N) is going undefeated in the stream.

The second round started and (Y/N) was locked in. As soon as the match started, (Y/N) rushed at Negan and started to Juggle him, somehow keeping him in the air for almost the whole round. Then Negan was already in Rage mode even though the match just started.

Unfortunately for him, the Rage was of no use. (Y/N) dropped the combo on purpose to let him fall on the floor. As soon as Negan got up (Y/N) launched him in the air again and finished him off with a quick 5 hit air juggle combo.

(Y/N): What was that about me going to lose, Calli?

Calli: What I mentioned to say is that you are a nice individual!

Calli says in an innocent type of way. The final round started. It was a win-or-lose situation. As soon as the round started, Negan goes for an over head messing with (Y/N)'s head as he went for a low attack the last two rounds. Negan started to Juggle Asuka for awhile, putting her in Rage Mode.

Things looks like it was going well for Negan, unfortunately, he accidentally dropped the combo hitting to early which missed him. (Y/N) does a low-kick and then launches him in the air still in his Rage Mode so he's doing even more damage too Negan.

(Y/N) kept him in the air for the whole round and then ended the fight with his Rage Attack. Handing (Y/N) the win.

(Y/N): Whew... that was stressful. Good game ProTraitor!

(Y/N)'s stream went on for a couple more hours before finally ending the stream with the record of 24-0 completing his challenge of going undefeated. It was surprising late and the (L/N) family was ready to sleep for the day. Amelia and (Y/N) said their goodnights to the kids and goodnights kisses and headed to bed.
And scene, hope you liked this chapter with (Y/N) interacting with the fans that still watch Hololive. We got 2 more chapters left like I said! So stay tuned to the end! And I hope you all have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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