Chapter 1: (Y/N)'s Debut

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This is gonna be my first original story. Although the characters aren't original. The story is, you guys get what I mean. Anyways. I hope you go easy on it as it's my first original story. I'll talk to you guys at the end of the chapter.

( No-one's POV )

The scene was changed too a streaming screen collab with all of the Hololive EN girls in it. And they started to make a special announcement.

Gura: Okay, Guys! Today... we have... a special announcement for you guys.

Calli: It's a very very very very very very very big announcement!

Ina: How many "very" was that?

The girls starts giggling and laughing off of Calli's antics. It was like that for awhile until they'd calm down and continued talking.

Kiara: We are having a 6th member of Hololive EN!

As soon as Kiara says that. The chat is going crazy on the announcement. Asking all sorts of questions.

Poggioli56: Is she cute?

Swagbucks90: What is she like?!

Simp4Kiara: Is she funny?

Where the types of questions the chat was asking them constantly. Then Amelia finally spoke with them

Amelia: Umm.. here's the thing. It's a guy!

Then even more questions from the chat came through faster than lightspeed as it was hard to keep up.

GurableShrimp43: It has a PP!?!?

Holoboy09: Is he getting a harem?

Calliisdaddy32: Looks like Tamaki isn't the only boy anymore.

The chat continues to ask questions as the Hololive EN girls tries to answer them as much as possible.

Kiara: The best part is... He's here now!

Then a avatar appeared on the screen next to them. It was a (F/C) haired boy with two different eye colors as his left eye was Yellow and his right eye was (F/C). (Y/N) had a innocent look on his face similar to Korone's innocent looks. And (Y/N) avatar was wearing Dark blue clothing with a black hoodie and purple headphones around his neck.

(Y/N): Hey, guys!

His voice was very soft like Amelia's and was almost hypnotizing. And then the chat started going crazy again as all the girls in the chat was talking about him and several guys as well.

GayforAme67: OMG! HE'S CUTE!

JustaTrap12: I love his eyes!

Bottomboy62: I think I'm gay now.

Then (Y/N) started introducing himself to the stream and the girls telling them what he do as a hobby.

(Y/N): Hello! My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I am a song writer. I love to sing/rap. Imma FPS player. I can speak english and Japanese very fluently. Anddddddddd I think that's about it for me..!

Calli: We should do a music collab!

Amelia: I think that'll be very cool.

Gura: Calli x (Y/N) Music collab?!

Ina: That'll be very cool indeed.

Kiara: Looks like I got competition.

(Y/N) was getting flustered with all of the girls response as his avatar starts to blush alot. They started asking more questions for about an hour and a half until it was finally ready to end the stream.

Gura: Okay, guys! I think that's about it for the stream. I hope you give our new hololive member a warm welcome throughout the years!

Hololive girls: Yaaaayyy!

(Y/N): Hehe.. thanks guys..
And scene. I'll be doing some bonding moments with all of the hololive EN girls and they'll all get the same amount of love so they won't get jealous. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and as always, have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing out!

598 words...

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