Chapter 11: A Day With Gura!

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Sorry for the long wait, been busy with therapy but atleast I gotta chapter out for yall right? At the end of the chapter I'll be answering a questions I got from one of my readers!

( No-one's POV )

It was early morning, during an off-chapter conversation with Gawr Gura, they both decided too go to a sushi place together and get some pizza as well. (Y/N) was already ready to go, fortunately for (Y/N) he wasn't wearing the same clothes like last time anymore, instead he wore a (F/C) hoodie to match with his curly messy (F/C) hair. And some black jeans along with mixed color shoes too match with his Yellow and (F/C) eyes.

(Y/N) got out from his bedroom and headed towards his garage to enter his BMW. He drove out of his garage and into the streets and started heading towards the sushi place him and Gura decided too go at. After a hour as passed, he finally made it to the sushi place, there (Y/N) say Gura sitting on a curve playing on her phone while wearing a ponytail, light blue open jacket and a black shirt under it, and also some  blue jeans.

(Y/N) parked his BMW and locked it, and walked towards Gura and shouted her name to get her attention.

(Y/N): Gura!

She turns around and jumps in excitement too see (Y/N) waiting for her at the door frame. She runs at (Y/N) and hugs him tightly, she finally let's go and realizes how different (Y/N) looks compared too his Vtuber avatar unlike the other girls who just rolled with it.

Gura: Since when did you had a beard!? And since when where you so tall!? And how come you actually have to different colored eyes!?

(Y/N): Emm... first question, I always had this.. just didnt want it on my avatar. Second question, am I really that tall? And third question, I was born with hetrochromia which gives you different colored eyes..

Gura: Ooohh...

Gura finally calms down and they finally entered the sushi place together. There was a sign that said "$5 less if child is with you" (y'know whatever stores says when they have that type of policy) and (Y/N) made a small smirk as they got to the front area and asked for a seat.

(Y/N): Hi, I would like a seat please? One adult and one child?

Gura: Chi-!?

(Y/N) shushes Gura so they can get a cheaper meal at the place which actually worked. They got a seat and sat down but before they sat down the employee said something to them.

Employee: Have fun with your sister, sir!

(Y/N): Thank you, hope you have time to get off early to spend time with your family as well.

They smiled at each other before finally sitting down and Gura questions (Y/N) at his antics.

Gura: Sister!?

(Y/N): Easier way to not make it look weird having a grown man towering someone like you and bringing them too a sushi restaurant or place y'know?

Gura: I... Guess..?

They finally settled down and ate some sushi as the waiter delivered them the food. They stayed their for about a hour and a half before finally moving on from the place, as they exit the building the employee spoke with them.

Employee: Hope you enjoyed our food! Be sure to comeback next time!

(Y/N): Thank you, I'll consider coming back over here soon!

They said too each other smiling as they gave each other a nod. (Y/N) offered Gura a ride to the next place they were gonna visit, since they just ate, they decided to not get pizza instead they just went too a carnival. Gura was very hyper on seeing cool rides everywhere even though she just ate not too long ago.

Gura: Ooo! Can we do that?!

Gura said pointing at the ring toss with the bottles, (Y/N) said "Sure" and they got too it. While looking at the big prizes on top, (Y/N) seen a stuffed shark toy that Gura was eyeing on it.

(Y/N): You want that?

Gura: I mean.. it would be nice, but you dont have to get it for me, I can settle for a smaller prize..

(Y/N) smirked and gave money to the owner at the game, he gotten 10 rings and needs to get five on a bottle to get the big prizes. First two was a miss. Later on he got three in a row, he missed one again, but got the fifth one on the bottle, then he missed two again and was down too his last one to get the big prize for Gura.

Announcer: Will the man get the last ring on the bottle to get the grand prize for his little sister? Come on folks let's cheer him on!

All the crowds were cheering for (Y/N), he felt the pressure weighting him down like a bag of bricks. Gura grabs (Y/N) arms and spoke to him.

Gura: You can do it, (Y/N).. I believe in you..

(Y/N) smiled at her, then he took a deep breath and got ready too toss the ring, he tossed it and bounced off the bottle, but out of some mirical, in landed on another bottle the right way, every one was cheering for (Y/N) and (Y/N) got the stuffed shark for Gura, they hugged each other then realized it was getting late and (Y/N) offered her a ride back home. Gura said yes and they drove off back too Gura's place. Finally they arrived at Gura's place and said they're goodbyes.

Gura: Thanks for the gift.. I had fun today (Y/N).

(Y/N): Same here, and dont worry about it. To be honest, you're like a little sister.

Gura: And you're like an older brother. Hehe...

They chuckled at each other before Gura asks a request for (Y/N) and hopes that he follows through.

Gura: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, Gura?

Gura: Take care of Ame for me, yeah? Not just us, but for all the girls at hololive.

(Y/N): I will, I promise.

Gura: Thanks (Y/N).

They hugged each other and Gura hopped out of (Y/N)'s car, they waved at each other goodbye and (Y/N) headed back too his place and slept for the rest of the night.
And scene, so the question i got from one of you was from someone named Icetome me asked "What inspired you to start writing on Wattpad?" And too answer your question it was Moises12w3 and ImmortalGod1 I loved their books alot and I told myself. "If they can make amazing books like that, what's stopping me from doing the same thing?" So that's how I started/inspired me to write books on Wattpad so you can thank them for giving me inspiration.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter with sharky shark Gawr Gura, and as always, Have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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