Chapter 2: Beating Slowly

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I'll be doing a Remix of the song above of writing my own lyrics. I haven't wrote a song in almost 5 months even tho ice been writing music for almost 4 years so bear with me as my writing maybe bad.

( No-one's POV )

It was bright as day. Calli and (Y/N) were in a room together thinking of what song they should write together. Until (Y/N) finally came up with an idea.

(Y/N): Oh. I know! We should write a love/break-up song.

Calli: A love/break-up song? I never wrote a song like that before.

(Y/N): Really? It's easy. All you gotta do is right something that the listeners could relate too. Like saying something likeeeeee "Every night is a night that worsens without you by my side" or something like that y'know?

Calli: Hmm.. alright I'll give it a go on it.

(Y/N): Sweet!

After 2 hours. They finally wrote down the lyrics for the songs for their parts. And this is the results.

( Start song now to follow along with the remix )

Song title: Beating Slowly

Hook 1 (Y/N):
My heart is beating slowly,
I can't contain myself...
Every time I try to close my eyes..
She always seems to be in my mind...
I try to pry her out of it...
But she always finds a way back in..
I might as well pull the trigger..
I'm not gonna be able to see her forever...

Verse 1 (Y/N):
With bags under my eyes is another meaning..
Could've mean that I was crying another river..
Could've mean that my mental state is going down..
With a cutie in my mind I cant keep myself in linee..
Everything I say in a verse gets thrown under a bus..
They always think I'm just jokin'..
They can't hear the pain in my voice, even tho' I speak it out loudly, they ignore, thinking he's just doing it for the fame..

Bridge 1 (Y/N):
As I slowly break down..
I hide with a smile..
And it works perfectly fine..
My heart is beating slowly..
And I cant contain myself!

Hook 2 Calli:
My heart is beating slowly..
And I cant contain myself...
As much as i love you dearly..
I have to let you go..
You can live without me..
A women like me dont deserve you..
Even though I've fallen for your eyes..
I can't always keep you forever..

Verse 2 Calli:
The way you always seem too look at her..
Always gets under my skin in some type of way..
And I hate the fact that I cant have your love..
My umbrella doesn't stop this pouring...
My clouds always darkens...
I cant speak from experience..
But I can speak from similarity..
And that is how I can help you..

Bridge 2 Calli:
I may be..
A reaper..
But then again...
A women still have feelings!..
I miss you..
I love youu..
But its alright..
Its alright...
I can move on without you...

Hook 3 Calli and (Y/N):
My heart is beating slowly,
I can't contain myself...
Every time I try to close my eyes..
She always seems to be in my mind...
I try to pry her out of it...
But she always finds a way back in..
I might as well pull the trigger..
I'm not gonna be able to see her forever...

( Stop Song Here )

( No-one's POV )

Calli and (Y/N) were in the room together after recording their new song that they made last week. They checked youtube to see where it is at now and it has over 2 million views and 500k likes and 26k dislikes.

Calli: Hey, (Y/N). You've seen how's our new music collab have been doing recently?

(Y/N): Yep! And it's going fantastic!

Calli: Really? How is it doing?

(Y/N): Over 2 million views. 500k likes and 26k dislikes.

Calli: Holy sh-! That's really good for our first time working together!

(Y/N): Yep! High-five!

They both give each other a high five as they celebrated their new song on how well it was doing. And they thought on some more songs they could do together and what type of songs as well for the rest of the day.
And scene. Yes I did wrote the whole song by myself. Writing Calli's part was hard to do cause I'm not sure how she would write her music even tho' I know she makes them. I only listened to one of her songs before but I'll try to listen to more of her songs to get the ideas on what she does. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter. And as always, have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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