Chapter 4: Scare Stream?!

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During this chapter. Amelia, (Y/N), Gura, and Calli will be collabing together on Phasmophobia! So I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'll get back too you at the end of the Chapter.

( No-one's POV )

It was late. Amelia, (Y/N), Gura, and Calli were getting ready for a 4 player horror game called "Phasmophobia". They were all on a discord call getting ready for the stream.

Calli: Sooo... is everyone ready?

(Y/N): Um- can I not play horror games? I'm really bad with them...

Amelia: "I'm really bad at horror games" it's not that scary ya' forehead.

Amelia mocked (Y/N) in her gremlin voice the same way how she mocks her chat from time to time.

Gura: Guysssss, stop ittttt. It's time to start the stream!

(Y/N): Yea, Ame~.

They finally started the stream up, all of there avatars shown on the screen. (Y/N) was next to Calli and Gura, and Amelia was at the end. As they started up, 19k people tune in in less then 10 minutes.

Ame/Gura/Calli: Hiiiiiii everyone!!

Then the chat noticed that (Y/N) didn't say hi to them as his avatar had a scared expression on it already, and they were barely in the main menu of the game.

Rabb1tH0le2: Why isn't (Y/N) talking?

Baqua: Is (Y/N) muted?

Amelia: (Y/N), quit being a wuss wuss.

(Y/N): Oh be quiet, Amelia!

Gura: Hehe..

Finally they started up the game and they were inside of the van you start in they were on normal difficulty and were in the haunted house level. Calli faces the board with the instructions on it and reads it outloud.

Calli: "The name of this ghost that haunts this house is named "Michael Jackson" he is most active when a player is alone, and saying his name will anger the ghost"

(Y/N): Wait the ghosts name is "Michael Jackson"?

Calli: That's what it says.

Gura: Wowww, I cant believe were hunting Michael Jackson.

Amelia: I hope I wont here a "heehee" out in the distance.

The group laughed as they entered the house with the equipment for the tasks. Then they went inside the bathroom and found the dirty water in the sink.

(Y/N): Oh oh! Dirty water!

(Y/N) said as he has the camera and takes a picture of it. He goes inside of his book and put down the evidence he found.

Calli: You found dirty water?

Calli spoke too (Y/N) through the walkie-talkie and (Y/N) responded back to her.

(Y/N): Yep, that's one evidence down!

(Y/N) has a different tone in his voice now, but deep down, he's terrified being alone and Gura was in the living room, Calli was upstairs and Amelia was down in the basement. They continued to explore the house and Amelia found the cold temperatures in the basement.

Amelia: Everyone, come down stairs! I found the could area!

Gura: Alright, coming down!

(Y/N): Same here!

Everyone responded back to Amelia but Calli, and they started calling for her through the walkie-talkie.

Gura: Calli, you there?

Amelia: Calli?

They started looking for her as the last place she was was upstairs so the group traversed up there and found Calli's dead body.

(Y/N): Yikes, the ghost got Calli!

Then the lights shut off and their flash lights starts flickering.



Then they started hearing (Y/N) screaming loudly as they looked they see him getting killed by the ghost.

Gura/Ame: (Y/N)!!

As (Y/N) died with Calli, he can finally hear her again as they were in spirit form.

Calli: Hahahaha! You're screams are hilarious!

(Y/N): Be quiet, Calli. Atleast I wasn't the first one dead.

(Y/N) shot back at her as they continued playing the rest of the game, Gura was the only one alive at the end and she finally beat the level by herself. They played for an hour more before finally ending the stream.

Calli: Alrighty, sadly its the end of the stream, but time in next time when we stream again!

Gura: And theres also no superchat reading at the end too sadly.

Amelia: *whispering* oh thank you.

(Y/N): I was not ready to read the superchat again after what happened last time.

Ame/Calli/Gura/(Y/N): Byyeeeeee! We'll see you next time!!
And scene, sorry if this chapter feels a little sped up. I'm tryna get other chapters ready while also working on the chapters in the draft. Anyways thank you so much for almost 100 views! We reached it in like week n' a half which is the fastest any of my books gotten with views. It means alot to me and I hope you'll enjoy this book to the very end. And just a quick question, do you guys want more song writing in future chapters? Or less? Anyways thank you all very very much and I hope you all have a fantastic day.

This is Juni, Signing out!

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