Chapter 7: A Day With Amelia!

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Hey guys, right now I'm taking request for my next book. Make it something interesting like a crossover like "Saints Row x Destiny 2 Male Reader". Intresting books like that. Or if you want, I can try and do another "Hololive Girl x Male Reader" or for the females that's reading my books "Female Reader" etc. With that being said, I'll continue talking with you folks at the end of the chapter. Oh btw, the irl you in this chapter will look the same like your avatar but a little bit different, same with Amelia (since we dont know what she looks like)

( No-one's POV )

It was the middle of the day. (Y/N) was already getting ready to hang out with Amelia for the whole day today. During the time he was getting ready, Kiara asked (Y/N) if he also wants to hang out the next time hes free. (Y/N) finally finished getting ready, he was wearing his favourite zip-jacket that was purple and black, and wore a white muscle shirt underneath and wore long black jeans since (Y/N) doesn't like to wear shorts in public. He still had his (F/C) Hair and his two different eye colors that are yellow and (F/C). But his avatar doesnt represent him in real life slightly as he stood about 6'2" tall, and had a trimmed beard. He still haves his same attitude he represents on his virtual streams, but acts a bit more mature.

It was finally time to go and hang out with Amelia for the rest of the day. (Y/N) came out of his apartment and head towards his garage and sees his dream car that he worked hard for and earned it for 5+years, his one and only BMW M3 GTR (Or your favourite car)

Although it was technically not a car necessary to bring during a day like this, he did certainly love to show it off alot. He took his keys and enter his car and drove off too their designated meeting spot, which was a small little arcade/Carnival spot in town called "Fun Spot" (yes "Fun Spot is a real place and not made up. It's in Florida if anyone wants to know where it's from which is also where I'm from/live at) it was an hour ride but eventually he finally made it to "Fun Spot". He found an opened parking space and parked it there. Ge got out of his car and locked it up to make sure no one wont try and steal it.

He started walking down the sidewalks looking for Amelia. It's been a 10 minutes and no sign of Amelia anywhere, and (Y/N) started to get worried and feeling bummed out that Amelia didn't come with him until-

Amelia: (Y/N)! Is that you!?

(Y/N) shot-up and started looking around eventually, he spotted her wearing her normal clothes, but her undershirt was black instead of white, and also wore black jeans too.

(Y/N): Ame!

(Y/N) yells out too Amelia as they start running towards each other and then gave each other a deep embrace of a hug. Finally, they separated from each other and Amelia spoke to him.

Amelia: I loved that song you wrote for me~. It really means alot to me that you care for me to be honest...

(Y/N): Since when where you the sentimental one?

Amelia: Shut up, (Y/N)! Just appreciate my affection you moron.

(Y/N): Hehe~ I was just joking. No need to get all worked up.

Amelia: Haha..

They finished chatting with each other and then started walking around fun spot. They've seen amazing and fun things to do like bumper cars, go-cart tracks, ferries wheels, and other things that they dont know the name off. Eventually, they found the arcade spot in the middle and went inside of it and they seen all sorts of fun games. But the one that caught their eyes was the motorcycle racing game. They challenged each other to a race and got on the motorcycle prop, they selected there options/motorcycle/maps etc, and finally it was time too race each other.

Amelia: Believe it or not, I have a better balance on a motorcycle than you do (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Keep that same energy after the race, then you can talk crap about me. But you wont cause I'm gonna win.

Amelia: In your dreams!

They were waiting on the countdown on the screen, and as soon as the screen said "ready". They started flying through the streets. After about 15 minutes, they were halfway done with the race. (Y/N) was in 7th Place while Amelia was in 3rd and were in lap 3/3 still technically beating (Y/N) in the race.

Amelia: See! I told you I would beat you!

Amelia shouts at (Y/N) getting cocky that she was further in the lead than him.

(Y/N): Ahh! Would you look at that? its comeback time!

(Y/N) says as he hits a speed boost. And soon he started zooming past the bot racers, the ones in 5th and 6th place crashed much to (Y/N)'s luck. He finally made his way from 7th Place to 4th place neck-and-neck with Amelia.

Amelia: How did you get here so fast!??!

(Y/N): Through the power of Will Smith's ReWind Time!

He says proudly. Now Amelia was in first and (Y/N) was in second place, the finish line was just up ahead but there was a hard turn too do before you can reach it. (Y/N) and Amelia was neck-and-neck, and the bot racers where close behind them as well. One mistake and one of them could end up in last place. The hard turn was coming up, surprisingly Amelia made the turn without a problem, but for (Y/N) wasn't the same-

(Y/N): Turn Right damn game!

He yells as he starts leaning his body to the right a little too much, and unfortunately for (Y/N), he turned right a bit too hard and fell of the motorcycle prop. Amelia finished in first place, and (Y/N) quickly put his hand on the steering wheel and drove himself to the finish line on the floor groaning. Sadly, (Y/N) finished in 14th place.

Amelia: Ha! You fell and you lose! How do you feel now (Y/N)!?

(Y/N): Terrible..

They continued to play arcade games for about 2 hours before finally it was time to leave. And (Y/N) offered Amelia a ride back to her place which she happily accepted. Eventually, they found themselves in front of Amelia's place.

Amelia: I had alot of fun (Y/N). I really did~.

(Y/N): Same here. Today was the best day ever.

Amelia: Sure is... Well, we'll talk later? Or go out again later?

(Y/N): I'd like that..

(Y/N) says as he gets a surprise kiss on his cheek from Amelia. Amelia smirked devilishly as she gets out of (Y/N)'s BMW and headed back inside her place. And (Y/N) drove back to his place and while he was driving, he was thought to himself..

(Y/N): 'Damn, I'm the luckiest man alive'
And scene, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as it was a bit longer than usual. Anyways like I said earlier, I'm taking upon requests right now for other books too right, and I want to communicate with my readers as well. I would love too write another action/romance story from one of the requests. And later on in the future, I'll do more Hololive girls that you guys will request. For a small surprise/teaser I got another Hololive x Male Reader in my drafts.. anyways like I said, I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and as always I hope you all have an amazing day!

This is (Y/N), Signing out!

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