Chapter 10: A Day With Calli!

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Hi guys! I hope you guys are enjoying these bonding episodes with all of the hololive EN girls! This one is with Calli the reaper rapper waifu, and no I'm not missing anyone if you're wondering, I'm just saving the best girl for last ;) And you're probably wondering "Where's the times with Amelia?" Dont worry there coming. (Y/N) just needs too build his bonds with EN, and during off-chapters the always hang out with each other. anyways I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter and I'll talk to you guys at the end of the chapter!

( No-one's POV )

It was early in the morning, (Y/N) did his daily routine everytime after planning a hang out with Calli off-chapter at (Y/N)'s house. Calli and (Y/N) decided to write a song together again and Calli suggested that they should also have some fun at a Bar. But a wise-minded (Y/N) thought about what would happened if Amelia found out that I went to the bar with Calli, and (Y/N) being smart, he suggestion on something else too do and that was too get some McDonalds, or order some pizza.

(Y/N) just wore the same clothes he did visiting Ina's house as that was his indoors outfit all of the time. Couple of hours later, Calli finally arrived at (Y/N)'s front door knocking on it. (Y/N) came out of his bedroom and into the living room and too the front door to open it as it revealed Calli wearing a Denim jacket and longs blue jeans Calli had that "Bro-Attitude" towards other guys so it was easy for Calli and (Y/N) too hang out with each other.

Calli: Wassup, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey, Calli! What's Poppin?

Calli: Brand New whip just hopped in?

They looked at each other after Calli response towards (Y/N) for awhile and finally they reacted.

(Y/N): Ayeee! Anyways ready to make another song?

Calli: Y'know it, I love making songs with you!

(Y/N): Same here, let's try and make this one a banger!

(Y/N) let Calli inside of his house and they walked to his personal studio room which was located in his basement, their they find everything music related like microphones, soundproofed walls, and all those other crazy things studios have, (Y/N) and Calli started writing their lyrics and finished them which took them about an hour and a half and called there song "Use Me". They got the beats ready and started up the song.

( Play Song here if you wanna follow along with their lyrics, oh btw when I write my songs, I always try to make it relatable to the person reading this, even tho' I cant relate I hope someone out there will and pretend like during the song their talking to each other in like a music video or something)

Hook 1 (Y/N):
Use me,
Betray me,
And I wont do a thing about it,
But when I fight back I get called the abuser,
You cheat on me and you will get called the victim,
Why is that you manipulate everyone using your body?
You're beautiful on the outside but on the inside holds a wicked witch,
I get called a liar when I'm the one telling the truth,
Even my friends gets manipulated off of your dirty schemes,
They said I used you...
And damn were they right!

Verse 1 Calli:
Use me,
Betray me,
I'm just a walking trash bag too you,
I don't exist at all unless you wanted help from me,
Look at the mirror and I dont see myself but a monster,
Hopefully you try and use me and hopefully you'll betray me,
Use me,
Betray me,
I told your friends that you'd hit me on the daily,
Sometimes the guilt eats me up from the inside but seeing you sad makes me smile,
I'm glad your life's falling apart the sight of it gives me joy like the manipulator I am,
They said that you'd hit me,
And damn where they right!

Hook 2 (Y/N): (x2)
Use me,
Betray me,
I'm getting my life back together,
Leaving you was the best decision of my life,
I got the reputation of being an abuser lifting off of me,
I can finally find go outside without the worry of being called out by everyone on the streets,
Use me,
Betray me,
And I wont do a thing about it,
But when I fight back I get called the abuser,
You cheat on me and you will get called the victim,
Why is that you manipulate everyone using your body?

( End song here )

(Y/N) and Calli finally finished their new song about what was being in an abusive relationship would be like, in 4 hours it already hit the 1 million mark on views and 500k on likes and 50k on dislikes. After uploading the song too YouTube, they ordered some pizza and watched some Netflix shows for awhile until it was finally getting late and it was time for Calli to head back to her place.

(Y/N) helped her grabbed her things and said goodbye to her on the way out. (Y/N) got in the bathroom and took a shower getting ready too sleep for the night as he wore a grey sweatpants and no shirts and flopped into bed. He covered himself up with his blanket and slept away into an amazing dream he had.
And scene, the last bonding chapter their is, is the one and only Gawr Gura. I'm not gonna spoil on what there gonna do, your just gonna have to wait and see. Then after that, its finally back to having Amelia on your sides with chapters instead of Off-Chapters! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed reading this and as always have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing out!

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