Chapter 14: Vibe With Me

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Hi guys! Sorry for the lack of publishing chapters, I've been sick these pass couple days with a really sore throat and a very stuffy nose, hope this makes up for the lack of chapters I wasn't publishing!

( No-one's POV )

It was the afternoon, Amelia and (Y/N) were chatting all day on discord since they weren't in the same house together. But (Y/N) and Amelia came up with an idea that was gonna benefit both of them at the same time.

(Y/N): Hey, gremlin. I gotta an idea on how we can always see each other?

Amelia: Oh Really? Explain this sorcery of an idea that you have in that tiny brain.

(Y/N): Yikes, that one hurts. Anyways, I was thinking we should move in the same house together!

Amelia: I was kidding (Y/N)! Oh and that idea of yours, how will that work out?!

(Y/N): I mean... we live not to far away from each other dont we?

Amelia: Well, yea kinda I guess. The thing is I'm not use to having other people in my house, but if it's with you then I'm fine with it!

(Y/N): Seeeeee? That's an amazing idea isn't it?

Amelia: I'll admit it, that is a good idea. So when we we'll move in with each other?

(Y/N): Hmmm, next week?

Amelia: Yea, that sounds good!

They continued too chat for a couple of more hours talking about what they'll do while living with each other. Like waking each other up, taking turns making breakfast even though both (Y/N) and Amelia knows that they cannot cook that well.

And they also talked about getting a dog too but both of them realized that they can barely take care of themselves. So taking care of a dog would be a challenge for them, so they scratched that idea from their heads.

Although they've been dating for a couple of months now (yea time flies by fast for some reason didnt it?). They trusted each other enough to have company in their homes with one another. But the question remained on who's house they will move in too.

Amelia: I just thought of something.

(Y/N): Yea? Explain Ame.

Amelia: Who's house are we moving into?

They stayed in the call for a couple of seconds in silent before (Y/N) finally answered the question to that problem.

(Y/N): I'll just move in with you.

Amelia: You sure you wanna leave your man cave like that?

(Y/N): Its fineeeeeeee! If it's with you I'm comfortable all of the time.

Amelia: Hah, alright then. Its settled!

They continued too talk for a bit longer before they finally felt tired so Amelia and (Y/N) said their "I love you"'s too each other and also said bye before leaving the call and headed too bed.

The scene splits too both Amelia and (Y/N) perspectives looking up at their ceilings while laying in bed, they both smiled and said.

Ame/(Y/N): I love her/him alot...

They both said sync without them knowing. Finally they went too bed being excited too move in with each other finally.
And scene, like I said earlier, I'm sorry for the lack of chapters lately. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this short chapter with Amelia and (Y/N) planning their future together! I hope you all have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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