Chapter 18: The Gang Helps Out Once Again!

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Hey guys, in this chapter, Ame was feeling horribly bad for a while, so the gang comes in the rescue once again and helps out the couple. And at the end of the chapter, Ame has important news to tell too (Y/N)~ Hope you enjoy!

It was early morning, Amelia and (Y/N) were still in bed at their home last week after the "indecent". But (Y/N) was the first one up, then the last one was Ame'. Ame' wasn't feeling so well at the moment so stayed in bed a little while longer. (Y/N) got in a discord call with a of the group and planned things for today.

Everyone: Hii!/Heyy!/hallooo!

Kiara: Hey, (Y/N). Where's Ame'?

Gura: Yea, is she alright?
(Y/N): Not really, I don't think she's doing so well. But she's hanging in there. Barely atleast.

Ina: Is she sick?

(Y/N): Maybe... She said her stomach have been hurting lately and vomits in the bathroom once in a while.

Calli: Oh boy~ it already happened...

Gura/Ina: Huh? What's happening?

Calli/Kiara: Dont worry about it~...

(Y/N): I'm just as clueless as Ina and Gura is..

Calli: Oh, naive little (Y/N).. We'll be coming over there in a little bit to help you out over there.

Kiara/Ina/Gura: Wait we are?

Calli: Yup, plus. It's fun having all of us together.

(Y/N): Alright then, I'll see you all in a bit.

Everyone: Byeee/See yaa!

After the small conversation happened, (Y/N) got ready for the visit that was about ti happen, he checked on Ame, once more to see if she was alright, but she was tossin' and turnin' in the bed quite often.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang. (Y/N) ran downstairs to open the door, only to reveal Ina, Gura, Calli, and Kiara all waiting at the front door. They all hugged each other as a "hello" type of way and all got inside.

Calli, Kiara, and (Y/N) were in their bedroom checking on Amelia to see what was wrong with her, and Gura and Ina were in the living room watching cartoons together.

Kiara: Is there any reason why you started to feel this way?

Amelia: I dont know... all we did last week was going out, watching a movie at the movie theater, then went to McDonalds, and finally we took a break at the hotel.

Kiara: Did anything happened at the hotel?

Amelia: All we did was eating our food and that's it, and then-
For no reason, Ame' suddenly stopped herself from talking, and her face went bright red. Remembering what she and (Y/N) did together last week.

(Y/N): Ame'. You alright?

Then all of the sudden, (Y/N) remembers as well and his face also went bright red, and Calli looked both at them back and forth. Realizing what they did last week as well.

Calli: I knew it~...

Kiara: Wait, knew wh- ohh....

Kiara finally connected the dots together and smirks in a teasingly way towards them.
Calli: Go check on Gura and Ina real quick (Y/N)... this is gonna be a girls talk right now.

(Y/N): Um, alright then??

(Y/N) awkwardly left the room and watch cartoons with Gura and Ina. 2 hours later after their long girl talk. Ame', Calli, and Kiara came out the room. Amelia looking extremely happy while Calli and Kiara looks at (Y/N) with a teasingly smug at him.

(Y/N): Ame' finally out of bed?? And also look really happy too? Did you drug her? What did you do?

Calli: Its not whatWE did to her..~

Kiara: Its whatYOU did to her..~
Gura/Ina/(Y/N): What are you talking about?

Amelia: (Y/N)... Im..--- I'm Pregnant with twins..

The whole room goes silent as (Y/N) is in shock, finally he regained his senses and ran to give Amelia a big hug and a long kiss on the lips. But in the background Ina and Gura says something.

Gura/Ina: Ewwww, their kissing!

(Y/N) and Amelia looked back at them and then giggled. They looked at each other for a second before (Y/N) says something to her.

(Y/N): Looks like we have a future together..

Amelia: And I'm glad I said yes to you~...

And scene, the winner was C. Amelia gets pregnant with twins now I have more questions for yall to keep the story going. Do you want-

A. Identical Daughters?

B. Identical Sons?

C. Different Genders but they'll look alike?

D. Twins that barely look alike, but were born minutes apart from each other etc.

And here's 2 extra question on the naming system. Do you want.

A. The Author too name them for you?

B. I'll just put (D/N) = Daughter Name and (S/N) = Son name for you to name them yourself?

That's all for today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this one and the voting on those two questions will start in Jaunary 27th. And end in Jaunary 30th. So cast in your votes and let's see who'll win!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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