Chapter 9: A Day With Ina!

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So I woke up in the morning and I got on Wattpad too see that this book reach 1.15k with 30 votes and still growing, when I saw this i never felt so happy in my life, thank you for the support once again I'm sorry for repeating it almost every chapter but I really mean it. And with that being said, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter for the bonding moment with Ina!

( No-one's POV )

It was early morning, during off-chapters (not mentioning things in certain chapters if that makes sense similar too "Off-Camera") (Y/N) have asked Ina if she wanted to hang out again, and of course, Ina said yes. They planned on watching old Nickelodeon shows from the 2000's like Big Time Rush, Drake and Josh, ICarly, or some Victorious Justice in Ina's home, and after that, they also planned too play some co-op video games together too like Army of Two, Mortal Kombat 11, Dead or Alive 5, and the best for last Left 4 Dead 2.

(Y/N) always wanted to hangout with Ina more after the minecraft stream since she technically helped getting (Y/N) and Amelia together. (Y/N) was getting ready to visit Ina already and since they were staying inside and not going out, he decided to wear comfortable things to hang out with her. So he decided too wear a loose muscle shirt that was (F/C) without his jacket this time, and also decided to wear baggy (F/C) jeans that was comfortable too wear as well. He looked in the mirror and talked to himself

(Y/N): Broooo...! I look like a wannabe mumble rapper.. But without the Yellow and (F/C) eyes and this messy (F/C) hair that I have...

He says too himself while checking himself out in the mirror he decided to just roll with it. (Y/N) went down stairs and went too his garage too find his BMW once again.

(Y/N): Man, I'll never get tired looking at this beast of a car...

He says to himself as he got inside and drove off the car and into the road. The drive too Ina's house was quiet short and she was the closes one too him only about a 15 to 25 minute ride depending on traffic. (Y/N) finally made it too Ina's house and parked his BMW in a open parking space, he got out, locked it up like always, and headed towards Ina's front door. He knocked on it atleast 4 times. Waited 5 minutes, and no response.

(Y/N): Is Ina home today?

(Y/N) says too himself as he was about too knock 4 times again, the door opened to reveal Ina 'ina' (Get it?) Purple sleeved t-shirt, dark black long pants, and some socks too go along with it.

Ina: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hehe, wassup Ina! Ready to hang out?

Ina: Yea I am! Come on in!

Ina offered (Y/N) too come inside and he gladly accepted the offer as he says thank you. To his surprise, Ina's house was quite clean for a person like her. Ina closed the door behind (Y/N) and then walked towards the sofa and thrown her self on it.

Ina: So what'chu wanna watch??

(Y/N): You know the show ICarly?

Ina: Who doesn't!?

Ina says surprisingly and for some reason felt offended that a question like that was even asked too her.

(Y/N): Let's watch it then!

(Y/N) says as Ina turns it on for the T.V. (Y/N) suggested that we should get some popcorn too watch ICarly with and fortunately for them, Ina did have some. Ina walked to the kitchen, opened the cabinet and grabbed a bag of popcorn. She took the plastic off the bag  so it wont blow up the microwave and put the popcorn bag inside the microwave and left it in for 2 minutes. Finally, the popcorn finished cookin' in the microwave, she took it out, opened it up, and poured the popcorn in a big bowl.

Finally, Ina returned to the sofa with the bowl of popcorn. She sat back down on the soft with (Y/N) sitting down on it as well. Ina started scrolling through the channels to find Nickelodeon and amazing news for them, old episodes of ICarly were playing.

While they were watch ICarly, a scene with Sam in the fat cake factory.

Owner: Now, which one of you wants to be the first to try a Canadian fat cake?

Gibby: Sure, I'll take a-

Out of nowhere Sam grabbed Gibby and kneed him in the stomach and Elbowed him on the back, knocking out Gibby.

(Y/N): And this is why Sam was always my favorite on the show.

Ina: You serious? I always liked either Spencer or Freddy to be honest.

(Y/N): You would like them. Why you like the guy that touches everything turns on fire?

Ina: Because I can relate?

(Y/N): Makes sense.

Ina: Why do you like Sam?

(Y/N): Because she ain't afraid too do anything to get what she wants for a fat cake, and I also find it hilarious that the way she solves certain problems is with a smack with a butter sock.

Ina: So you like chaotic girls? I guess that's why you found a love for Amelia.

(Y/N): I guess you can say that.

Ina and (Y/N) continued about having conversations with the show, eventually the finished watch some ICarly, and moved on too other shows, and eventually they finished all the shows that they planned too watch. And they learned alot about each other during the times they was watching it like their favorite characters in the show etc. Eventually it was time to play video games together.

Unfortunately for Ina, (Y/N) was a master at any kind of fighting games, Especially Dead or Alive. They fought non stop against each other as Ina wanting to beat (Y/N) Badly, (Y/N) was playing as Honoka and Marie Rose as those where his mains but he can play any characters but those are the one hes most efficient with. Ina kept picking complicated characters to perform combos because they were either slow characters, or combos with many button inputs to perform that combo with characters like La Mariposa, Bass, and Momoji.

Eventually she found two characters that she was good with and those characters were Mila and Diego. Even though she was button smashing, she was managing to do small 10 to 8 hit combos with them as (Y/N) can do a 15 to 23 hit combos and 13 was the minimum he can do if he messes up. The score at the end was 12-4 as Ina got a good couple matches on him. They started playing other games with the last game being L4D2. They had fun playing games and watching old shows. Eventually it was time for (Y/N) too get up and go as it was getting late.

(Y/N): Dang, it's getting late. I think imma have to go.

Ina: Aww, really?

(Y/N): Sadly, yeah. But if you want, we can find free time for us and hang out again.

Ina: Ooo, yea that sounds good!

(Y/N): Hehe, alright then well I see you later, Byeee...

Ina: See you next time!

(Y/N) got up, and walked to the front door and exited out of Ina's home. He walks to wear he parked his BMW, got inside and started driving back home. Eventually, (Y/N) made it back home safely, he parked his car in his garage and locks it up. He rushed back up too his room and flopped on the bed once again leaving his close and shoes on and fell asleep with thoughts of what's gonna happen the next day.
And scene, I'm so happy that my book reached over 1k views! Thank you for all the support and like I said earlier I'm sorry for repeating it over again almost every chapter. I just never thought this book would do so well. And it's all thanks too you, the readers. I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and as always, I hope you all have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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