Chapter 20: A Very Long Time Skip

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Hey guys! Welcome back to another chapter, so as the title says, a long time skip has happened. (S/N) and (D/N) our both 10 years old, and they're able to walk/talk and do things that kids would usually do. And no they're not married yet surprisingly, and hololive is still a thing in the future. So I still gotta do a marriage proposal chapter. And just a little teaser, that's the next chapter after this. Anyways, I'll talk to you all after this!

( No-one's POV )

It was early morning and some years have passed, (S/N) and (D/N) our both 10 years old now and both are truly rebels. But they still love and respect their parents Amelia and (Y/N). But every now and then (S/N) and (D/N) are always going at each other but in the annoying brotherly/sisterly type of way.

(Y/N) was still asleep while (D/N) was sneaking into her parents room to perform a sneak attack on (Y/N) to wake him up. She climbed on top of the bed and looked at (Y/N) for a split second before yelling.


She says as she belly flops on to (Y/N) and he groans on the impact from (D/N) belly flopping on him.

(Y/N): Please dont do that-again...

(Y/N) says out of breath as he was a bit older than usual now and with a much deeper voice. (Y/N) picked up (D/N) and then played around with her for a bit before he decided to get changed. He told (D/N) to go with her mom for a bit so he can get changed.

After (D/N) left the room. (Y/N) entered the bathroom and looked at the mirrors his eyes have some how gotten darker and have also grown a dad type of beard, and his (F/C) hair is also longer atleast to his shoulders. Hour later he finally gotten ready and headed down to the living room to were (D/N), (S/N), and Amelia sitting on the couch watching T.V.

Amelia also looked different to. Her eyes are a bit lighter, and also somehow a bit shorter in general, and her blonde hair grown all the way down to her waist. She had both of the kids on her lap before turning around including the kids and noticing (Y/N) watching them.

Amelia: Well look who's finally awake.

(S/N): Dad!

(D/N): Daddy's back!

They both hopped off of Amelia's lap and ran straight to (Y/N) giving him a big lovable hug that could make any parents smile. Then Amelia also got up and walked to (Y/N) and gave him a kiss on the lips and both of them saw it.

(D/N)/(S/N): Ewwwwww... their kissing..

(Y/N) and Amelia looked at them and chuckled at their reaction.

(Y/N): Kids, go to your rooms and play some games, alright? I wanna have some private time with your mom.

(D/N)/(S/N): Okay~!!!

They both ran up stairs and went into (S/N)'s room to play video games together. Then Amelia looked back at (Y/N) and asked him why he wanted a private chat with her.

Amelia: Is there something you need babe?

(Y/N): Amelia.. I love you with all my heart, and having this future together means the world to me. But there's one thing that is missing..

Amelia: What is it?

(Y/N) took a deep breath and looked at Amelia for a second, he kissed Amelia on the cheek and got on one knee, he took out a black box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a wedding ring inside of it. And Amelia gasped.

(Y/N): Ame'... will you marry me?

(Y/N) says softly, and Amelia tears up a bit and nods her head yes rapidly. And then they both gotten up and hugged each other tightly. And also gave each other a long kiss.

(Y/N): Looks like we gotta tell the kids about it.

Amelia: Think they're gonna handle the fact of us getting married? Because they cant even handle us kissing each other hehe~.

(Y/N): Eh.. they'll grow out of it soon enough...
And scene, that's it for today's chapter, and next chapter will be the official marriage thingy etc. Who would you guys want as your best man or whatever they call it etc. I dont know much male vtubers only like 2 or 3 but let me know and whatever gets the most agreement with gets to be the best man. Also we only have 5 more chapters left to! Anyways I hope you all have an amazing day!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

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