No. 8: Costume Planning

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Once September finally drew to a close (and Janus got to have a week-long vacation so he could be at Sanjay and Jamie's wedding), school started to get a little bit harder. Of course, nobody really cared about that, because now, it was officially Halloween season again.

"So, I'm thinking that this year, I have to go all out," Roman said, pacing up and down. "Janus has only won the costume contests because he goes for dramatic entrances and flair. I have to just beat him at his own game."

"I kind of thought that since you two aren't fighting anymore, you'd let the whole costume contest rivalry go," Virgil commented, scrolling through his phone. "You know, like a sane person."

Roman whipped around. "The costume contest is sacred, and no amount of friendship points will destroy it! I have to be the one to win this year!"

Virgil let out a sigh. "At this point, you're going to ruin Halloween for me."

"I can help you with your costume if you want," Roman offered, then gasped. "OOOH! We could do a cute couple costume! Couple costumes always get high rankings!"

"The only way I'll do a couple costume with you is if we don't do the contest."

"Okay, so no couple costume." He sighed and sat down on one of the beds. "Though, Remus said that he and Janus might end up going as Gomez and Morticia, and they'll definitely win if they do that."

Virgil looked up from his phone. "Are you trying to guilt-trip me?"



"Okay, fine, but I really want to be able to win this year."

"I'm not gonna do it," Virgil told him. "I'm a stubborn bitch. I'm sorry."

Roman gave him puppy-dog eyes. "Please?"

"Princey, come on---"

"I'll let you pick."

Virgil paused, then set his phone down. "You'll let me pick?"

Roman nodded.

"Well, in that case, I'd love to do a couple costume."

"Really?" Roman exclaimed, brightening.

"But you can't be involved in the choice I make," Virgil continued. "I'm picking it by myself. And you have to take it in stride. No complaining, no asking to change---just deal."

He paused. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

"You might." Virgil leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "It'll take a bit for me to decide, though, so stay on your toes."

"Dating you is just one anxiety rush after the other, isn't it?" Roman murmured.

Virgil smirked, tapping him on the nose. "You better get used to it."


"Captain America and the Winter Soldier? Really?"

"Hey, Stucky is perfect and beautiful and fuck Endgame," Virgil said, pointing at Logan. "Plus, I wanted to come up with something that wouldn't completely overshadow whatever Janus is doing, but would still earn us at least third place."

"Is Roman even Team Captain America?" Logan questioned, giving him a skeptical look. "You might want to take that into consideration."

"He's Team Revengers, actually, and I told him that he wasn't allowed to complain." Virgil stretched. "All I gotta do is get the materials and start sewing."

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