No. 44: Not That Awkward

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For the second time in the past couple months, Virgil woke up to Roman—not to him singing loudly, not to him passed out on the other bed, but to Roman sleeping right there beside him. And this time around, nothing stopped the moment from being perfect.

"No, Mummy, I don't want the mashed potatoes," Roman mumbled in his sleep.

Nah, that's still sweet.

Virgil proceeded to poke him until he woke up.

"Wuh?" Roman rubbed his eyes. "Oooooh. What time is it?"

"Time for us to get up, probably. It's a Wednesday."

"Oh shit!" Roman leaped out of bed and hastily started to get dressed. "Why didn't you set an alarm or something?"

"Hey, when you're setting up a romantic and steamy evening with your boyfriend, you don't think, 'oh, you know what would really set the mood? Setting our alarm for tomorrow!'" Virgil said, sitting up. "Not my fault Valentine's Day was a school night this year."

Roman grabbed his phone, checked it, and let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, we woke up early. Good."

"Good because we didn't miss class, or—"

"Well, yes, but also this." Roman leaned down and gave Virgil a kiss that probably lasted at least a minute and a half.

"I'm guessing that was a 'thank-you?'" Virgil murmured after he broke away, grinning.

"Thank you, I love you, you're the best boyfriend ever—same difference." He ruffled Virgil's purple streaks. "Get dressed. We've got a long day of embarrassment ahead of us."


"Do you feel like people are watching us?" Virgil asked as he and Roman walked into the dining hall.

"Everyone's focused on their breakfast," Roman assured him, patting him on the shoulder. "You're good."

"I know, it just—it kinda feels like everyone can tell, is all."

"Just because Remus could doesn't mean that everyone else can. My brother has a sixth sense for that."

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm pretty sure Mars heard you last night, so."

Roman gave him a light shove. "Shut up, emo."

They finally made their way to their usual spot, where the other four were already seated. Virgil steeled himself for the inevitable teasing.

"Morning, you two!" Patton chirped, waving. "Sleep okay?"

"Yep," Virgil answered, sitting down and spooning some scrambled eggs onto his plate. "Better than ever."

Roman beamed at Janus and Remus. "How was Rocky Horror, guys?"

The two of them let out twin sighs of euphoria.

"I am not exaggerating when I say that it was paradise," Janus said, twisting a lock of hair around his finger with a dreamy smile. "I think we have a new Valentine's Day tradition on our hands."

"And it's all made better by how going there proved, once again, that Tim Curry is fucking hot," Remus added. "I think I know what my type is."

"Oh?" Janus looked up. "And what is your type?"

Remus winked. "Sarcastic guys with British accents who absolutely kill in lipstick."

"Well, thank hell I fall into that category."

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