No. 50: Systems Down

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Jules had taken the first flight to Toronto as soon as he'd heard the news. Since he was an actual adult and would be going with them, there wasn't that big of a fuss about Patton and Logan once again infiltrating the Griffins-Macklemore estate. Not that Logan thought he needed a chaperone, but Jules would probably be a good asset.

Try as they might, neither Patton nor Logan had been able to sway Prince Nyx into tagging along. The two of them hadn't interacted with Augustus very much, of course, and he hadn't exactly made a good impression, so it was understandable. As for Janus and Remus... even Patton didn't bother with them.

Still, as the chopping of the helicopter blades sounded from above Logan's head, he couldn't help but wish that they'd come.

"This feels a little weird," Patton commented, looking down over the San Francisco skyline. "We're in a helicopter going to rescue someone from the Griffins-Macklemore estate. Almost a year after we did it the first time, even."

"This pilot had better know what they're doing," Jules said under his breath, his leg bouncing up and down. "I don't want this thing to crash."

Logan scanned the notes he'd taken earlier, committing them to memory.

<<<<<<Notes---Logan's handwriting is Patrick Hand>>>>>>

The plan:

Land safely near the outskirts of the city and make our way to the Griffins-Macklemore estate—route memorized from last time because I am a genius with a photographic memory thank you very fucking much.

Disable the security system using newly discovered powers!!!! Explosion of cameras is guaranteed!!!! VERY COOL!!!!!!

This will likely send the estate into chaos, meaning that even while invisible, we should have no trouble sneaking in. While we go to the basement (likely where the target is being held), use glasses to hack into computers and send message to the sperm donor of my father (debating between "fuck you <3," which is a good figurative middle finger on its own, or "so long, sucka—" you can never go wrong with a Good Omens reference).

Find out where target is and let Jules be nice to him before I tell him off for being a jerk in the past.

Text the pilot and tell him to meet us on the grounds.

Hightail the fuck out of there.

(If we have time, maybe also get target's friend/boyfriend out? Might be risky, though—at best, give him the push he needs to leave on his own.)

The obstacles:

Possible security guards. Way to circumnavigate that: Star has gotten incredibly good with his powers (I'm so proud of him!), so we'll have people going unconscious at the very least. If he steps it up, we might need to avoid stepping in vomit puddles.

We don't know exactly where the target is being held. Way to circumnavigate that: We didn't know exactly where Janus was being held last year, and we still found him. Also, we have someone who knows the place well on our side.

Augustina Macklemore (no I will not be using Remus's nickname for her). Way to circumnavigate that: As sad as it is, I genuinely don't think she'd really care if we took her son off of her hands. Yes, she won't have an heir, but she'll probably just find someone else.

JULES WILL NOT USE HIS FUCKING POWERS. Way to circumnavigate that: Unfortunately NONE, even though it would make everything EASIER, I am WRITING THIS ANGRILY IN YOUR DIRECTION JULIAN MARSHALL. I know you have trauma and you'd rather be a non-Anomaly than have those powers but HOLY FUCK THIS IS YOUR KID BROTHER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT.

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