No. 27: It's Up To You

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"Oh, if I can maaaaake it there / I'll make it aaaaaanywhere / It's up to you, New York / New Yooooooooork!" Janus sang, tossing his hat up into the air.

Remus caught it out of the air and handed it back. "Save your pipes for your next music video, Jan-Jan. That song is for New Year's only in my mind."

"Besides, New York City is really only glitter and gold on the surface," Roman added. "It's filthy if you look close enough."

"Yeah, that's why it's so cool!" Remus said.

Virgil let out a long sigh. "I see I'm the one with the braincell on this trip."

Roman gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're always the one with the braincell."

"Nice to know that you're self-aware," Virgil said, smirking at Remus and Janus's offended gasps.

Janus folded his arms with a huff. "Can't believe that you think so little of me, Hayashi."

"Can't believe that you think so highly of yourself, Kapoor." Virgil paused. "Oh, wait, no. Actually, I can."

"There are days when I consider smothering you in your sleep, you know," Janus told him as the group made their way up the subway steps. "I'd never go through with it because I'd lose the hard-earned favor of your prince, but still."

Virgil lightly shoved him with a grin. "Ah, you love me too much to do that."

"Yes, I lie awake every night dreaming about you," he said sarcastically. "Go fuck yourself."

Remus quirked an eyebrow. "Y'know, Jan-Jan, if you wanted to have more partners than just me, you could've just said something---"

Janus shushed him. "You're encouraging the emo."

Virgil spread his hands. "I'm flattered, really, Jan, but you aren't my type."

"Go. Fuck. Your. Self."

"So!" Roman clapped his hands. "What's first on the docket for today?"

"We're visiting the Strand," Virgil told him, holding up a finger. "That's what's first on the docket. I have a list of books that I absolutely have to own."

"Ooooh, boy, we're gonna be there a while," Remus muttered.

Virgil socked him on the arm. "Don't disrespect a bookworm. The consequences are of the deadly variety."

Remus spread his hands. "Hey, I'm just saying, I wanna go see the gross exhibits at the Natural History Museum, not stand around in a bookstore all day."

"That'll happen, just relax."

Janus stuck his index finger into the air. "Onward!"


"How are you not already broke?" Remus exclaimed, attempting to lift Virgil's second bag of books. "This is insane!"

"Roman paid," Virgil said. "I probably would've paid myself, but he insisted."

"Hey, it's our city that you're visiting, which means everything is our treat," Roman reminded him. "You don't need to spend a single penny while you're with us."

Remus let out an agonized groan. "Seriously, Virgil, do you really expect me to carry both of these at once?"

Virgil looked up and down at Remus. "Uh... yes."

"I mean, you do have a very toned physique, love," Janus said, giving him a little nudge. "One can safely assume that those muscles aren't just eye candy."

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