No. 51: Breakout Breakdown

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Another difference between the last time they did this: getting out was relatively easy. They went out the same way they went in, only one person stopped them, and it was pretty damn painless.

This time, however... well, there were some things that you couldn't just hack into not working.

"Oh, that is disgusting," Augustus said as another guard passed out into a puddle of vomit. "How come you never broke out those moves in Ability Usage?"

"I did," Patton responded, sidestepping the unconscious bodies lying on the floor. "You weren't around to see it."

Jules did his best to circumnavigate the bodies, which was probably hard due to the fact that he was carrying Augustus on his back. "If you decide to be an op someday, I pity whoever you have to go up against."

Patton cracked his knuckles with a satisfied grin. "I've been learning new stuff. I actually have this idea involving blood—Julieta kinda inspired it with her powers."

"Bloodbending?" Logan guessed.

"Nah, it's more..." He waved his hand around. "Abstract, I guess. I'll tell you about it when we get back."

"All right."

They rounded a corner and put their invisibility rings back on... which didn't do much, since Augustus was still very clearly hovering in the air. Virgil had been the one to give them the rings, and evidently, he'd forgotten that they'd need a fourth.

"Damn you and your memory issues, Virgil," Logan muttered under his breath, handing his own to Augustus.

Augustus put it on and vanished. "Holy shit, this is freaky as hell."

"What's up with Virgil?" Patton asked.

"Oh, nothing, it's just that I forgot one of the key symptoms of inattentive ADHD—which is ironic if I think about it." Logan brushed his jeans off. "It'll be easier if I'm the visible one. I'd honestly prefer being seen in case we run into Deadbeat Dedushka and I get to kick his ass."

"Get to?" Jules repeated.

Logan paused. "Have to. Have to kick his ass."

Augustus let out a cackle. "I gotta tell Lena that one the next time I see her."

After a few minutes of circumnavigating the halls, Logan finally caved. "Who's Lena?"

"Your cousin. Elena Jacobi."

He shook his head. "Never met her."

"Probably a good thing. She had to rebuild the firewall you so casually destroyed last spring." Augustus snorted. "Well, she made it weak on purpose, but still."

"Hmm." Logan mulled it over in his mind. "Is she still here, or—"

"She left."


Their conversation was briefly interrupted by two more guards spotting Logan and instantly trying to tackle him. Patton took them out with ease.

"Thank you," Logan said in what he hoped was his boyfriend's general direction.

"Don't sweat it!" Patton said cheerfully. "It's fun being the heavy-lifter in battle!"

A distressed sound came from Logan's right. "What the fuck happened while I was gone? Why is the little blonde cherub scary?"

"He grew," Logan told him. "Like you did."

"Cherubim are actually really terrifying in actual Biblical lore," Patton added. "They're giant monsters with four heads and wings covered in eyes, and they've also got flaming swords. What you're actually thinking of is a baby cupid."

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