No. 17: Closeted As Of Now

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"Princey, for the millionth time, I'm fine," Virgil groaned. "You don't have to worry about me."

"You were seconds away from getting taken before Janus stepped in," Roman told him, pressing another kiss to his forehead. "I'm going to smother you in affection until you're all better."

"I am all better."

Roman gave him a look.

"I'm not all better," Virgil decided, wrapping his arms around him. "More kisses, please."

"There's my emo." Roman kissed him on the temple. "How's my shadow boyfriend?"

"I mean, you're not dating Nox, you're dating me," Virgil said. "Though, I guess you are technically dating Nox, since he's a part of me, but... I dunno, maybe your shadow's dating him? Then again, he agrees with me that you've got a great body, so---"

"He said that?"

Virgil laughed. "Yeah, Nox is a lot more confident than I am."

"Hmm." Roman frowned slightly. "Y'know, I don't think I've actually met him yet."


"No, you haven't properly introduced me to him. Can you do that?"

"Uh... yeah, I think I can." Virgil untangled himself from Roman and waved his hand at Nox on the ground.

Nox waved at Roman. "Sup, gorgeous?"

Roman's eyes widened in mild awe. "Wooooooow. That is... that is really freaking cool."

"Aw, thanks." Nox got up from the floor and sat next to Virgil on the bed. "Hey, Verge, you don't mind if I try to kiss him, right?"

"Uh, you can try, but I don't know if you can," Virgil said.

"You're not gonna be jealous?"

"Why? You're me."

"Fair enough." Nox leaned over and attempted to peck Roman on the cheek, but went right through him instead.

"Ack!" Roman jumped up. "Cold! Cold! Cold!"

"Huh," Virgil murmured. "Guess he's only solid to me."

Nox crossed his arms, pouting slightly. "Not fair."

"Hey, it's okay," Roman assured him. "It just surprised me, is all."

Virgil looked over at Nox. "You wanna go back to just being seen by me?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's weird, anyway."

He waved his hand again. "Roman?"

"Yeah, he just looks like a normal shadow now," Roman said, sitting back down. "One that's in the entirely wrong place, but still."

"He does that."

"Could you tell him that his hair looks really nice?" Nox asked.

Virgil let out a snort. "It always looks nice, I don't need to tell him that."

"What always looks nice?" Roman asked.

"Your hair." Virgil ruffled it. "I think that might be Nox's favorite part of you. He compliments it a lot."

Roman blushed slightly. "Thank---thank you."

"Technically, you shouldn't be thanking me, but still."

Roman's phone buzzed. He picked it up and opened it up, pumping his fist with a little yessssss.

"What's up?" Virgil said curiously.

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