No. 26: The Curse Strikes Again

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"They're seriously doing a She-Ra theme?"

"It's a 'subtle' She-Ra theme, whatever that means," Logan said, rolling his eyes. "But seriously, people who are obsessed with cartoons shouldn't be allowed to plan a wedding where serious operatives will be attending, and by 'serious operatives,' I mean Andre Adrien."

Virgil shrugged. "Well, subtle or no, that's the coolest thing ever."

"It is not!" Logan exclaimed, spinning towards him. "It's incredibly immature!"

"You and I clearly have very different definitions of 'immature.'" Virgil took a sip of his peppermint latte. "Besides, they have a similar love language, so why not celebrate it?"

"Because---because you don't do a cartoon-themed wedding if you're inviting Andre Adrien!"

"Okay, what is the big deal about this dude? I know he's Remy's uncle, but why's he so important?"

Logan stared at Virgil like he'd just said that he had no idea what Steven Universe was. "Have you been living under a rock?!"

Virgil gave him a look. "No, I grew up in a non-Anomaly environment."

Logan rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Okay, so, Andre's powers are fairly subpar by Anomaly standards---just enhanced senses, speed, and reflexes---but he is an incredible operative. I can't even begin to count how many wars he's single-handedly prevented. He is the real deal. Honestly, when I first met Remy, I couldn't believe that they were related."

Virgil nodded, taking another sip. "Sounds like you pretty much idolize this dude."

"He was my inspiration growing up," Logan sighed, smiling. "I've always dreamed of becoming an operative as talented and efficient as him."

"Celebrity crush," Virgil concluded. "Got it."

Cue the disapproving stare. "You can respect someone without having a crush on them, you know."

Virgil squinted. "That sounds fake, but you're not getting defensively flustered, so I'll take your word for it."

"Good, I'm glad you're seeing reason." Logan gave a wave to one of the security guards as the two of them went into the Culture building. "So, what's your plans for winter break?"

"Oh, me and Jan were going to crash at the twins' new pad, hang out with our boyfriends, and visit the Strand about fifty times a day for a couple of weeks," Virgil answered. "What about you?"

"Me and Patton are deciding on whether to go to Atlanta so I can meet his grandparents, or Vancouver so he can meet my parents," Logan said. "I mean, I'm acquainted with his grandparents and vice versa, but Patton thought it would be nice for us to be able to introduce ourselves as boyfriends to our respective guardians."

Virgil nodded sagely. "Good choice, good choice. I'd personally go for Vancouver, though."


"I dunno. You'll still be in Canada, so you could come back to the Academy quickly if something happens."

Logan paused. "You... you do realize that Vancouver is on the other side of the country, right?"

"Or you could stay," Virgil pointed out. "I mean, the Circle could easily launch another attack over winter break."

"All the more reason to leave. There's no mole at the Academy anymore, so if Patton and I leave for the holidays, then Patton will be safe." Logan adjusted his collar, as if that settled the whole thing. "It's a win-win situation."

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