No. 20: Housewarming Gifts

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"Here we are," Remus declared, setting his bags down on the floor. "Home sweet home---for real this time."

Roman surveyed the blank white walls, huge windows, cream floor-to-floor carpeting, and artsy, modern-ish light fixtures. "Might take a bit to turn this into an actual home."

Remus shrugged. "Hey, the modern feel's way better than fake art deco."

"Still, though. No furniture yet."

"Well, that's a you thing," Remus said, patting him on the back. "I'm gonna go look around."

"Don't get lost!"

"Will do!"

Roman set down his bags and let out a content sigh. For the first time in... maybe his life, he was really, truly free. He could actually do something by himself. He could---

"DUDE!" Remus stuck his head out of the kitchen. "There's a fucking kitchen island here! I shit you not! We've got an apartment with a kitchen island!"

Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm rooming with my idiot twin, Roman thought, slowly closing his eyes.

"Ohmigod, is that an electric fireplace?" Remus exclaimed, running into the living room. "How did I not notice that before? Ro-Ro! We're living in luxury!"

"You do remember that we just moved out of a place that had staff, right?"

"Even better!" Remus did a spin and flopped onto the floor. "We're living in luxury without having to deal with other people all the time!"

"I have to deal with you all the time now, Bugbrain," Roman said, tapping him with his foot.

"Yep, that's the deal." Remus paused. "Also, I hurt and I need help up."

Roman rolled his eyes and pulled him up off of the ground. "I'm supplying the furniture and the money needed to pay for this place, so I get first pick of the bedrooms. You call your boyfriend and give him the tea."

"Yeah, sure thing, crackhead."

"I'm not---you're the crackhead!"

"Go pick your fucking room," Remus said slowly, pushing him towards the hallway where the bedrooms were.

Roman walked down the hall, poking his head into each of the three bedrooms. They were all around the same size, but one of them had a window seat and a massive built-in closet with mirrored doors, so that was probably the way to go.

He pulled out his sketchbook and started to draw out his name in elegant, 3-D letters, adding in little sparkles here and there. When it came to coloring, he just scribbled his red colored pencil over it---he didn't need to go incredibly detailed with it, but if he didn't add color, it'd come out in black and white, and he wasn't into that film noir aesthetic.

Roman pressed his finger to the drawing and imagined the letters peeling off of the page. The page glowed golden as they did just that, falling to the ground as real-life objects.

"Room's picked," he called, picking up the letters and applying them to the front of the door. "Your turn, doof."

"I'm calling Jan-Jan. Get your room set up."

"All right." Roman squinted at the room, letting his inner decorator instincts take over. Sheer golden curtains would probably be good, and he'd keep the white walls---gold and white went nicely together. A full bed would probably be best, maybe with a big, red-and-gold bedspread. Fairy lights strung everywhere would look amazing, and he had to have a nice artist's desk and a few comfy chairs.

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