No. 41: Just Your Problem

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"Remind me why we're doing Halloween costume planning when it's barely February?" Remus asked, flopping over the bed. "Shouldn't this wait until, like, August?"

"Cosplays take a long time to make," Janus answered, twirling his pencil in the air. "Besides, if we really want to do a couple costume this time around, we need to plan ahead. Roman and Virgil nearly beat us last year with theirs, so we have to top that."

"Hmm." Remus considered this. "Well, they did a Marvel thing, so... Loki and Mobius?"

"No, that'd just be copying. It's a nice idea for future Halloweens, though." Janus tapped his pencil against his lips thoughtfully. "This is harder than I thought it'd be."

"Well, it would've been easier if you hadn't decided to scrap Gomez and Morticia."

He sighed. "Remus, love, it's been done before. We have to be original."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Remus sat up with a gasp. "OOOOOH! You could dig out your fur-lined cape from last Halloween, and we could go as Stolias and Blitzø! And I could wear horns, and a fake tail, and—"

"Our height difference is entirely wrong," Janus said dismissively. "Besides, I've already gone as a Vizviepop character, so I'd be repeating material."

Remus let out a little noise of disappointment.

Janus noticed his expression and gave him a little hand squeeze. "I wasn't saying that it's a horrible idea, I'm just saying that it's not for Halloween. We could definitely do it for our first convention, though, I could just make myself taller."

Remus perked up instantly. "Really?"

"Why not?" Janus kissed Remus on the forehead. "You are quite the imp, after all."

"Aw, you're gonna make me blush," Remus teased. "Any other ideas?"

"Well..." He thought for a little bit. "I was thinking we could go as Johnny and Moira from Schitt's Creek, but I think that would be more fun for me than for you, since I get to wear awesome black-and-white dresses while you just wear a suit. And you'd have to shave."

Remus nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's put that in the maybe category."

"Fair." Janus scribbled that down into his notebook. "Anne and Marcy, maybe?"

"You've gotten that far in Amphibia?"

"Well, I have only just met Marcy, but I can already tell that the romantic tension between her and Anne is too much to deny. I mean, Sashanne has that, too, but Marcanne's cuter." Janus furrowed his brow. "What about romantic tension between Sasha and Marcy? Is it there? Could I just ship all three of them instead of deciding?"

Remus started to say something, then paused. "Y'know what, let's set that aside for now. We probably shouldn't set our sights on a pairing from a show that you haven't even finished."

"In that case, Audrey Rose and Thomas are out, seeing as you're only halfway through the Stalking Jack the Ripper series," Janus decided. "And corsets are murder anyways."

"Okay, well, uh..." Remus trailed off. "I got nothing."

Janus raised an eyebrow. "Nothing?"

"Yeah, no, nothing's coming to mind. I mean, Stoliz is the closest couple I can think of who we could do with accuracy."

"You suggested that because you like it when I flirt with you, Remus."

"I absolutely did, but you gotta admit that they fit us. We're more functional, obviously, but still."

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