No. 34: Not Anymore

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Virgil blinked awake to the sun streaming in through the windows. Roman was still sleeping beside him, a dreamy smile on his face.

Dork, Virgil thought, giving his boyfriend a fond look. Cute, though.

He leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead."

Roman's eyes fluttered open. "Morning, Sunshine," he murmured.

"So." Virgil sat up. "Last night was... an experience."

"Yeah, no shit," Roman said. "We had sex for the first time."


Roman's smile faded a little. "On... on the same night that one of our friends got attacked by my insane cousin."

Virgil paused. "Yeah. We... we did that."

"Wow." Roman looked down. "And that was also the same night that I found out just how insane my dad is."

"Well, when you put it like that, it doesn't sound so good," Virgil said, biting his lip.

Roman nodded. "Yeah, not... not really how you'd like to remember your first time."

"That's an understatement," Virgil muttered.


"It was nice, though," Roman said. "Even if the circumstances weren't ideal."

Virgil snapped his fingers. "What if last night doesn't count?"

Roman blinked. "Sorry?"

"Why don't we just call that a trial run?" Virgil suggested, turning towards him. "Like, that was just to test stuff out, get all the kinks sorted out---uh, pun not intended."

"Oooooooh," Roman said, understanding. "So, last night wasn't our official first time?"

"Nope, just practice for the official one."

"All right, I feel better now," he decided.

"Good." Virgil leaned over and kissed Roman on the neck. "Because I'm gonna plan it, and it's gonna knock your socks off."

Roman beamed. "Can't wait."

Another thing occurred to Virgil. "Should we tell Janus and Remus?"

"God no," Roman answered automatically. "We'd never hear the end of it. Besides, me and Remus need our game faces on for today."

"Right, right." Virgil stretched. "We should probably get dressed."

"Unfortunately," Roman muttered. Virgil swatted him with a pillow.


"Oh, good of you to join us, boys," Janus called, turning around. "We thought we'd have to start the show without you."

"Yeah, ha ha, shut up," Virgil said. "When your shadow spider demon leaves cobwebs everywhere and draws a dick in blood on every other mirror, you gotta clean it up."

"Huh, I was wondering about that," Remus commented. "Thought I was sleepwalking again."

"Not even gonna ask."

Roman sighed. "Okay, let's just go and get this---"

"WAIT!" Remus held up a hand. "There's something different."

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "What do you---"

"The air between the two of you. It's... it's changed. The wholesomeness... there's less of it than there used to be." Remus narrowed his eyes. "And the still-unresolved sexual tension... it's gone."

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