No. 39: Get Wrecked

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"Honestly, this isn't so bad," Virgil commented, shoveling some more popcorn into his mouth. "It's like a sleepover or something."

"Yeah, really, I'll be even more pissed when the agents come and ruin this," Janus agreed. "Of course, it'll probably kick things into swing."

"Stop talking, I can't hear," Kiki said, flicking him on the head.

After much debate, the ending plan was that Janus and Patton would stay in Virgil and Roman's room, while Logan and Remus took care of their own Circle agents. Virgil was a little bit hesitant when he realized that the plan would involve Patton interacting with Kiki, but after some test runs, Patton could now be around her without screaming, passing out, or repeatedly hitting her with a flyswatter. In fact, Virgil was pretty sure that they were able to bond a little over being parent friends.

Of course, Patton was still sitting as far away from her as possible. Go figure.

"I told you guys you'd love this show," Patton said, giving Janus and Virgil a grin. "Pretty cool, right?"

"Yeah, I'm loving it so far," Virgil admitted. "Can't wait to see what it's like when the plot kicks in."

Janus frowned, propping himself up on his elbows. "Where's RuPaul? You promised me RuPaul."

"Season three," Patton answered.

"Oh fuck you—"

"Language, and you have Brenda Song as the main character. Deal."

Janus let out a heavy sigh. "I am rather enjoying it so far, if I'm being entirely honest. Polly is a delight."

Roman nodded sagely, taking another handful of popcorn. "She is the one true god."

"I'm sorry, was I accidentally speaking in Japanese when I told you to stop talking?"

"Sorry, Kiki."

Virgil checked his phone. "Four minutes to midnight, guys."

"At this point, I'll kill them just for interrupting this show," Kiki said under her breath. "We're going back to watching after we take care of them."

Patton raised an eyebrow. "We're getting some sleep—"

"WE ARE GOING BACK TO WATCHING," she hissed, flashing her fangs at him.

That seemed to quiet him down.

"Why exactly is the giant spider woman an Amphibia stan now?" Janus asked.

Virgil shrugged. "Show's got spider monsters and it's dark. It's perfect for her."

The four of them sat in silence for the next few minutes, paying attention to only the TV and the clock. At midnight precisely, Patton hit pause.

Green flashes came as two people in all-black gear appeared in the room—two people whose eyes noticeably widened at the sight of all three of the targets in the same room, and a gigantic shadow spider demon to boot.

"Uh, do you mind?" Janus said, pointing at the television. "We're kind of in the middle of something right now."

The agents looked at them, then back at each other.

"Did we plan for this?" one of them whispered.

The other one looked up at Kiki, swallowing. "I... I don't think Ms. Macklemore warned us about... that."

Virgil got up and cracked his knuckles, grinning. "Y'know, it's getting a little crowded in here, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh, yes," Kiki said, raising her claws. "And I was so invested."

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