No. 21: What Can I Say?

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Augustus had practically worn through the floor with all the pacing he was doing.

It had been two weeks since the attack, and nobody had told him how it went. He at least knew that Jannie and the cheery and emo kids didn't get captured, but that didn't mean that the Academy wasn't seriously damaged, or that people hadn't been hurt or killed.

What do I even care? he thought, sitting down on his bed with a huff. I wasn't even really a student. I was a mole. And the only friend I made there was Remus, who hates me now.

And it's not just because of Jannie. He stopped liking me before that---if he still wanted to be friends, he wouldn't have asked to switch rooms.

Augustus let out a groan and buried his head in his hands. "Stupid Academy," he mumbled. "Stupid Remus. Stupid everyone. Stupid world."

"Let's hope you're including yourself, Gusty."

He snapped his head up. "IAN! Jesus shit, don't sneak UP on me like that!"

Ian let out a dry laugh, leaning against the doorway. "If you weren't so busy wallowing in your own self-pity, you'd have heard me coming."

"Shut up, Frosty."

"Oh, yes, that reminds me," Ian said. "I have intel on the attack."

Augustus's eyes widened. "Really? What happened?"

"The Academy got by without a scratch," he told him, sitting next to him. "All the students were evacuated, and all of the teachers---plus Janus's crew---were waiting for the agents. The blonde one managed to take out at least six agents by himself, and everyone got scared off by Janus breaking out a horror form." He smiled a little. "Looks like they got your message, Double Agent 07734."

"Don't call me that."

Ian quirked an eyebrow. "Hey, you're doing the brave work. I'm just here to support you."

Augustus looked down at his feet. "You... you really think I'm doing the right thing?"

"Yeah. For once."

"Oh, har har, very funny," he said sarcastically. "You're really good at cheering me up, Gunnar."

Ian shrugged. "Well, you know me. I'm the most cheerful and upbeat person in the world."

"Uh... sure."

The two of them sat in silence for a little bit, Augustus kicking at the side of his bed.

"Your hair's getting longer," Ian commented. "Has been since last spring."

Augustus looked over in the mirror at himself and started a little. He'd never paid enough attention before, but Ian was right---his hair was only a little above chin-length at this point.

"Ah, shit," he muttered, ducking his head. "I gotta get a haircut."

"No, keep it," Ian said. "It looks a lot better long. No offense, but short hair really doesn't work on you."

"Then why'd you let me keep it short for so long?"

"I was honestly afraid that if I told you, you'd just get a buzzcut out of spite."

Augustus shoved him. "I have more dignity than that, fuckface."

"Oh, really?" Ian grinned. "I've yet to see real proof of that."

"Ah, shove it."

Ian's eyes traveled over to the bass guitar leaning against the wall. "Have you been playing again?"

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