No. 15: Ultimate Horror

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"Are you getting up?" Roman asked quietly, sitting down next to Virgil.

"Not until the day's over," Virgil mumbled, pulling the blanket over his head.

Roman sighed. "You know that the first place they'll check is your dorm room, right?"

"Don't care."

"So you're just going to put yourself in the most vulnerable position for the Circle to get you, get yourself abducted, and break my heart in the process?"

Virgil poked his head out from under the covers, giving Roman a look. "Didn't you say that you were going to guard me from the big bad cultists?"

"Not in those exact words," Roman said, tapping him on the nose. "But part of being a prince is protecting his love."

"Can you not be cheesy?"

"Why not?"

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Because our school is gonna get attacked by the Divinity Circle this afternoon and I might get kidnapped."

"You won't get kidnapped," Roman assured him, kissing him on the forehead. "As long as you go with the plan and stick with me, you'll be fine."

"Mmfh." Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman, pulling him down next to him. "Stay here."

Roman let out a little laugh. "We need to go to Emile's office, Hot Topic."

"Stay here."

"Virgil, if you keep on protesting like this, I'm going to have to actually carry you out of the room."

"I'm still in my PJs."

Roman wiggled out of Virgil's arms and tugged the blanket off of him. "Come on, emo, get up."

Virgil let out a hiss and yanked it back over him.

"Is this really how you want to spend what might be your last free day? Cowering under the covers while I die in an attempt to save you from being brainwashed?"

"Princey, leave me be."

"No." Roman pulled the covers off of him again, then picked him up in a bridal-style carry.

"ROMAN!" Virgil shouted. "Put me DOWN!"

"If you try and squirm, it's over-the-shoulder," Roman told him. "You're going to Emile's office with me, even if you're doing it in Hawkeye PJ pants and a stormcloud sleep shirt."

"Do not insult the Hawkeye PJ pants, Sanchez!"

"I'm not insulting them, I'm just saying that you're wearing them. Big difference."

Virgil glowered at him. "I will bite you if you don't put me down."

Roman quirked an eyebrow. "Coming on a little strong there, Hayashi."

"Put. Me. Down."

"Only if you promise to get dressed and get moving."

Virgil groaned, flopping his head backward. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine."

"That's the spirit!" Roman set him down and dusted off his shoulders. "Ready to take on some psychopaths?"

"Thought you were gonna be protecting me, Princey."

"Yes, but I think we can both agree that you're a little more powerful than me, because you can do spontaneous creation and I need time and a pen and paper."

"Damn RIGHT we're stronger!" Nox crowed.

Virgil glared down at him. "I notice you're still here."

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