No. 25: The Theater Has Many Secrets

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"Shouldn't we have done this weeks ago?" Virgil grunted, hauling one of the lights over to the other side. "The play's next month, and winter break's coming up."

"Some of the bulbs died and we had to get new ones," Elliot explained. "And we needed to stock up on films. Kai, you're about to drop that on your foot."

Kai gave them a look. "I know how to do this, Elliot. God."

Elliot shrugged. "I mean, there is a reason Larry made me the light crew head---"

"Uh, yeah, because you're the only person who knows how to work the light board."

"Kai, calm down," Lauren said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Elliot's a great head, and we should probably listen to them, okay?"

"Fine," Kai grumbled. "I just wish---"

Virgil snapped his head up. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. Last time you wished for something, you gave the physics teacher a two-week long stomach bug."

"Hey, I can only wish for little things, okay?" he protested. "It's not like I can end the world with a wish!"

"Still. Try using 'I want' instead of 'I wish,' okay?"

"Well, using 'I want' doesn't make this change color," Kai said, pointing at his hair.

Elliot let out a long-suffering sigh. "Kai, he just means that you should be a little more careful about your wishes."

Virgil hoisted one of the lights up. "Here?"

"A little to the left," Elliot instructed. Virgil scooted in that direction and attached the light to the bar.

"Y'know, this is a really hard job, but it's a lot better than what run crew has to go through," Virgil said, dusting off his pants. "They have to build and paint the sets."

Kai let out a sigh and looked over at the run crew members, who were busily painting a wallpiece a sunny yellow. "I dunno, I think that's way better than having to lug these heavy-ass things around."

"You're welcome to switch crews for the next performance," Elliot told him.

Kai perked up. "Really? I can do that?"

They nodded. "As long as you're fine with having to constantly move sets on and offstage and never getting a chance to just relax during the performances."

"Oh." Kai deflated. "I can stick with lights."

"Costumes aren't that stressful," Virgil said. "I'd probably join, but I'm too loyal to the light crew to do that at this point, and it means lots of interacting with the actors, so..."

"Aren't you dating one of the actors?" Lauren pointed out.

Virgil blushed. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah, if I was close friends with Janus Kapoor, I wouldn't want to interact with him any more than I already had to," Elliot admitted. "Nice guy, but he's insane."

Kai snorted. "Uh, you do know who his future husband is, right?"

"I have a strict policy against interacting with Remus."

Virgil socked Elliot in the arm. "That's one of my best friends you're talking about."

Elliot raised an eyebrow, rubbing the spot where Virgil had hit. "You're not denying that he's so far off his rocker, he's left the playroom entirely?"

"I'm stealing that, and no, but Remus is a cool guy when you get to know him."

"Yeah, I don't have any interest in getting to know the guy who nearly set fire to my favorite vest." Elliot paused. "Granted, it was an accident, but still."

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