No. 43: You're Worth Every Risk

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"It would totally be Owl House themed, right?" Patton said, waving his hands around. "And 'Eda's Requiem' would play as Pam walks down the aisle—"

"No, Persephone would walk down the aisle, though I agree on the music," Janus interjected. "A string quartet is a must, of course—"

Virgil nudged Logan. "Any idea what they're doing?"

"They're planning a hypothetical wedding between their sisters, I believe," Logan said. "I haven't been paying much attention to that."

"Shouldn't they save it until, oh, I don't know, they actually start dating?"

"Yes, well, try telling that to Patton 'I-love-happy-endings' McLain and Janus 'I'm-a-fucking-drama-queen' Kapoor." Logan adjusted his tie. "I'm just glad that I am not privy to such nonsense."

"Oh!" Patton clapped his hands. "Quinn should be the person of honor!"

"They'd be the flower gremlin and you know it," Logan called over his shoulder.

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Not privy to such nonsense, huh?"

"I was offering facts."

"Sure." Virgil set his bag down and flopped into one of the auditorium seats. "So, got anything planned for today?"

Logan gave him a confused look. "Why?"

"Uh, hello, it's Valentine's Day?"

"Ah, yes, that." He paused, thinking. "I was honestly just intending to watch Amphibia with Patton after rehearsal. He's very excited for me to be introduced to it, and, well, even though it's nonsensical, I do hear that it takes real-life amphibian biology into account, so it'll probably be worth it. What about you?"

Virgil leaned back into his seat and pulled out his phone.

"What about you?" Logan repeated.

"I have something planned," Virgil answered vaguely.

Logan sighed. "You're not going to tell me, are you?"

"Nope. It's private."

"Ooooooooh, it's private?" Janus said, leaning over the seats. "Virgil, are you planning a little romantic rendezvous with your man?"

Virgil smacked him on the forehead with his phone. "What part of 'private' do you not get?"

"What? A fellow can't speculate?"

"And what are you and Remus doing, exactly?"

Janus smirked. "It just so happens that I am taking Remus to a screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight. If you're not appreciating Tim Curry at all times, it's not worth it, and it is one of Remus' favorites."

Logan considered this. "You know what, that's actually much more tame than I was expecting—"

"And of course we'll be screwing each other's minds out when we get home," Janus finished.

"Knew it," Logan and Virgil said in unison.

"Oh, you know what? I can predict how your Valentine's Days will go, easy as fucking pie." Janus pointed at Logan. "You'll be spending the whole night watching Amphibia with Patton and pretending to not like it but you'll be visibly crying during the season finales, and Marcy will be your favorite character. Side note, I will see you in counseling."

"Um—" Logan started.

"And you," he continued, pointing at Virgil, "will do something inane yet sweet with Roman, like—I don't know, watch your favorite Lakia movies or something while sharing popcorn, or listening to songs that you both like—and you'll share tender 'I love yous' before going to bed in separate beds because you're both cowards, and that whole 'it's private' talk earlier was just you trying to hide the fact that there's zero spice in your relationship."

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