No. 36: And All That Jazz

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Winter break may have been incredibly hectic and very mixed in terms of emotion, but thankfully, being back at the Academy meant that things were a lot more manageable. Of course, the classes got a bit harder, some more so than others---Dr. Merry's Biology class just gave out a couple more tests, while Criminology with Professor Sterling left everyone with five times the amount of homework---but theater, at least, was a good distraction.

Just like with the last couple performances, Twelfth Night sold out every night it showed, and everyone ended up knocking it out of the park.The twins even did a pretty good job at pretending to be straight. The one hiccup that occured was Ivy's mic cutting out halfway through Act One during the Sunday matinee, and even though Logan gave the other sound crew members an earful for letting that happen, it was easy enough to handle.

And since Larry always had a second production lined up as soon as the first one finished, it was only a week before everyone was free to speculate about what they were going to do for the spring musical.

"I'm kind of holding out for Into The Woods," Roman said as he and Virgil went down the path towards the Arts building. "I played Cinderella's Prince back in youth theater when I was in fifth grade, and I had so much fun. Would love to reprise that role."

"Eh, I wouldn't hold your breath," Virgil told him. "That's kinda overdone at this point."

Roman considered this. "Hmm, maybe. I wouldn't mind doing Pippin, either. Or Singin' In The Rain."

Virgil shrugged. "Yeah, something to consider. We'll find out in a few, of course, so there's really no need to wonder."

"Easy for you to say, you'll be on spots no matter what we're performing!"

The two of them finally reached the front steps of the Arts building, where Logan, Patton, and Remus were waiting, staring at the doors.

"What's up?" Virgil asked.

"We sent Janus in to scope this out," Logan responded, craning his head. "Larry'll be putting up the audition announcements soon, and we'd like to be the first ones to know what we're doing this spring."

Virgil frowned slightly. "You're on crew. You don't need to find out what to audition for."

"I would like to know what play I'll be doing sound for, and I would like to know what my friends are interested in doing. Besides, I should probably give Felix and Victore notice ahead of time, just in case the songs are particularly loud and they don't want to mess up the frequency again."

"You're way too hard on them, y'know," Patton said. "They're just trying their best, especially Victore! She was so excited to be doing technical work this time!"

Logan let out a sigh. "Well, hopefully last time was a learning experience for them both. I really do wish that Suee hadn't switched to costuming---she was always the most competent out of us."

"You gotta admit that the girl's a wiz with a sewing machine," Remus pointed out. "Never had pants that fit me that well before."

"Yeah, she did a really good job with my coat," Roman added.

"Traitors," Logan muttered. "Traitors, all of you."

A high-pitched shriek sounded from inside the Arts building. That shriek was soon followed by a yellow-and-black blur bursting out from the doors and slamming right into Remus.

"Woah there!" Remus caught Janus and spun him around. "Judging by the look on your face, I'm guessing it's good news?"

"It's incredible news!" Janus gushed, grinning a mile wide. "After four years of waiting, my theater dream has finally come true! I finally get to star in the production of my dreams!"

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