No. 45: Hurricane Marcelle

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February breezed by much quicker than anyone anticipated, mostly due to the lack of ominous warnings or attacks. Despite Logan's phone crushing stunt, a video of the entire post Valentine's Day interaction quickly started circulating. Thankfully, most people only cared about Janus, not Virgil and Roman—and he was just happy for the attention and new followers.

Roman had roped Virgil into watching Adventure Time with him, and if Virgil was being honest, it was really good. Princess Bubblegum in particular surprised him—he had genuinely expected her to just be some damsel in distress, but she turned out to be a stone cold badass. Plus, she and Marceline were super cute, and Virgil could admittedly see why Quinn had compared Prince Gumball and Marshall Lee to him and Roman.

Before they knew it, March rolled around—and with that, the arrival of the woman who had given birth to one of the most indescribable human beings Virgil had met.

"All right, everyone," Remy announced, pacing back and forth around the atrium. "Here are the guidelines for my mom visiting. Number one---be polite as you can be."

"Done," Janus said. Virgil elbowed him.

"Number two, she does speak perfect English, but you should probably at least try to speak a little French. I'd like to be able to show her that the language classes here actually do some good."

Virgil's mind ran over the basic French praises that he'd managed to memorize. Should be doable.

"And number three." Remy took a deep breath. "If she decides that you need a makeover, or that something needs fixing, don't try to stop her. It's a lost cause."

Remus looked down at his raggedy shirt. "Should... should I change?"

"Leave it, darling," Janus told him in an undertone. "You could use a makeover."

"How dare you."

Emile looked towards the doors and gasped. "Here she comes!"

Virgil followed his gaze as several people walked in, carrying multiple bags of luggage. "Uh... is she in one of those things?"

"Nope, there she is," Remy responded.

He finally noticed the woman walking purposefully into the building, her heels click-clacking against the floor. She was medium height, with dark brown skin and dark hair pulled up into a beehive thing, the latter of which made Virgil think of Audrey Hepburn. The chic black dress and owl-like sunglasses added to that, plus the small string of pearls.

She spotted Remy and raced over, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Bonjour, mon fils! Bonjour!"

"Salut, maman," Remy said, kissing her on the cheek. "Comment va-tu?"

"Ah, ça va bien, merci. Et toi?"

"Tres bien."

Marcelle stepped back. "Now, where's this boy of yours?" she said in lightly-accented English, beaming. "This is the first time I'm meeting him as your fiance, after all!"

"Hi, Mar," Emile murmured, waving shyly.

"EMILE! Lovely to see you!" Marcelle walked over and kissed him on both cheeks. "I'm so happy for you to become a part of our family, you simply have no idea. When Remy told me about the proposal---mon dieu! I cried."

Emile blushed. "Well, your son's a romantic at heart."

"Of course he is, he's my son, after all." Marcelle noticed the crew. "Who are they?"

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