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I sat down next to Derek and looked at him.
"What is she doing here?" I whispered.
"I don't know," Derek said.
"Did you invite her?" I asked.
"No," Derek said. I swallowed hard as the judge started the court hearing. I got called up first and took the oath and sat down at the little wooden podium next to the judge. I pushed my hair behind my ear and I looked up and saw Link. His eyes met mine and I knew I'd be okay. My eyes also caught my mother's gaze. Why was she here? I haven't seen her in over a year.
"Are you ready?" The judge asked me.
"Yes," I nodded.
"Where were you on November 17th?" She asked.
"I was working at the hospital," I said.
"Grey-Sloan?" She asked.
"Yes, I was working the front desk in the ER," I said.
"When did you see Mr.Kerrigan?" She asked.
"I heard the ER doors open. A lot of time frantic parents or patients come in the ER doors and need help or assistance, so I figured that's who it was. I looked up to see if anybody needed help and Ryan Kerrigan walked through the doors," I said.
"What happened after that?" She asked me.
"He asked me if I could show him something and I said no, but he forced me up and down the hallway past the ER. He kept asking me where a supply closet would be so I gave him directions to the closest one but he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me go. I told him which door the closet was and he opened it and shoved me inside. He said he wanted to kill me. He started slapping me, kicking me, punching me, and then he raped me," I said as I felt tears form in my eyes. I looked up and my mom was crying. She was crying. This didn't even happen to her and she was the one crying. I swear to god I hate that woman.
"He said he wanted to kill you?" The judge asked.
"Yes your honor," I said.
"It's my understanding that a rape kit was put into evidence?" She asked.
"Yes," I said.
"Can we bring up Doctor Arizona Robbins to the stand?" She judge asked as I got up. Arizona switched places with me and I saw down next to my lawyer.
"You did good," she said.
"Thanks," I said.
"They'll probably call up your brother, Meredith, and maybe another doctor before they cross examine you and bring up Ryan. Remember that they're only trying to hurt you when they cross-examine. That's their goal, don't let it destroy you okay?" She said quietly. I nodded as I sat up straight and listened to the judge.
"What was Miss Shepherd's condition when you first saw her?" The judge asked.
"She was really bruised and injured. She initially had a breathing tube in because she had a broken rib. We had to take out the breathing tube during the rape kit because it was important for her and I to communicate together, but her breathing was getting worse by the time I was done," Arizona said.
"What can a broken rib lead to? In your medical opinion," the judge asked.
"Well we were all worried it could puncture her lung and cause permanent lung damage," Arizona said, "it was really important that after the rape kit she had her rib repaired before she had anymore internal injuries."
"Do you know which doctors performed her surgery? Or was it you?" The judge asked.
"I observed but Doctor April Kepner and Doctor Owen Hunt did her surgery," Arizona said.
"Thank you Doctor Robbins," she said.
This trial has been going on forever. It's been 4 hours of questions, documents, arguments, and witnesses. It was awful I just wanted to go home. Ryan was at the stand now. I couldn't even look at him. I looked at the ground as he began talking.
"When I got to the hospital I was looking for her but by the time I got to the ER nobody was at the front desk," he said.
"If that's true why are there 5 witnesses and security camera footage of you coming out of the supply closet?" My lawyer argued.
"It wasn't me," Ryan said.
"The rape kit has your DNA," my lawyer, Julie, said.
"She could have slept with me before someone attacked her, I mean we do have a history," Ryan said. I wanted to kill him. I looked at Derek and he looked mad to.
"Don't worry about it okay we've got this," Meredith whispered to us. The judge hit her gavel and I looked up at my lawyer. She came back over and sat down next to me.
"I think I've heard enough," she said, "everyone please take your seats." Derek grabbed my hand as I looked up at the judge.
"After all of the witnesses and evidence brought before this court today. I have reached a verdict. In this court case of Amelia Shepherd v. Ryan Kerrigan, I have found Ryan Kerrigan guilt of attempted murder and assault, which results in 15 years in prison for a repeat assault. No parole or bail." The judge said. The police officers came over and handcuffed Ryan and I felt like I could breathe. Maybe it was real this time.
"Oh my god," I said to Derek.
"You won," Derek said and hugged me tightly and Meredith did the same.
"Thank you," I turned to my lawyer.
"Thank yourself, you did great," she said, "I'm glad we got the outcome we wanted." The court was dismissed and I ran over and hugged Link tightly in the hallway.
"You're safe," He smiled, "I'm proud of you."
"Thanks," I said, "hey did you see who was here?"
"Yeah, actually I talked to your mom before I went in I saw her in the hallway," Link said.
"What did she say?" I asked.
"Well she said hi, asked if we were still together, and she asked if I thought you would be interested in talking with her," Link said as he put his arm around me as we walked down the hallway.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"Well I said that I can't speak on behalf of you, and if she wanted to know the answer she would have to ask you," Link said.
"Good answer," I chuckled.
"Amelia!" I heard my mother's voice. I stopped walking and turned around to see my mother. Maybe it was time for forgiveness.

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