Idiots Together (Avengers Drabble)

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Something was up.

You could just tell.

As you rummage around the kitchen of the Avengers Complex, tidying up after having made lunch for the few of you who were currently inhabiting the area, you can't help but recall how fast Sam and that Spider kid had left the room, sandwiches in hand.

They both were acting dodgy.

But, as you and Bucky, your friend and Partner ever since he had arrived at the Complex and joined the Team, settled back in the living room and ate while watching whatever the heck was playing on the TV, you had allowed your thoughts of your other Teammates dodgy actions to slip to the back of your mind.

However, now, as the distinct sound of two sets of footsteps sound from the doorway, you turn from where you're currently sitting, raising a finger to your lips, motioning to the figure laying on the couch on the opposite side of the room.

Bucky Barnes is sound asleep, sprawled out on the larger piece of furniture rather awkwardly, though the position doesn't seem to be an issue for him.

The pair, who you now identify as Sam Wilson and Peter Parker, tip-toe into the room, their expressions vastly different from one another.

Sam looks as if he's about to pull off the greatest prank of all time, while Peter looks incredibly wary and confused.

"What do you two want?" You hiss from your chair, once more motioning to your Partner's unconscious form, a look of confusion to match Parker's falling across your features.

"Mr. Falcon here said that he," Peter whispers, gesturing to Bucky as he removes his hands from behind his back, a pair of cymbals in hand. "Likes to be woken up with cymbals and that he'd appreciate it if I woke him so he could get back to his work."

Your eyes widen in realization at what Sam had blackmailed this kid to do as you shake your head frantically.

"Pete, I really wouldn't..."

But, you allow your sentence to trail off as the duo begin to move closer to Barnes' sleeping form.

"You're sure Bucky said this is okay?"

At this, the man beside Peter grins mischievously, urging the younger boy forward.

"Trust me. This is exactly what he wants."

"Wilson!" You hiss once more, giving him a look of 'are you being serious right now?' before continuing. "You know this isn't a good-"

"No," He murmurs back as Peter raises the cymbals, taking one last look for confirmation to the older man still beside him. "It's a great idea."

Shaking your head with a chuckle, you can't help but jump as the cymbals clash together, making a sound so loud, you wouldn't be surprised if the few members of the Team who were downstairs training come rushing upstairs to see what the heck is going on.

Even more shocked at the sudden noise is Bucky, who immediately scrambles to his feet after basically falling off of the couch, a startled gleam in his eyes as his gaze sweeps the room.

"Wilson?" He begins slowly, his tone sounding rather menacing. "Was that you?"

"Don't look at me!" The Falcon exclaims, raising his hands in mock surrender, though his smug smirk proves him guilty. "It was all the idea of the Spider-ling over there."

Bucky's now much calmer glare turns towards Peter, who is standing off to the side, the cymbals hidden behind his back, a nervous grin on his features.


"Mr. Falcon said that you liked to be woken up with cymbals so I was just following his advice and..." The teen trails off, not really sure of what else to say.

"And you didn't even try to stop them, Y/N/N?" Your Partner chuckles, shaking his head with a sigh, stepping towards Peter slightly.

"I tried to tell them," You reply with your own laugh, watching as Spider-Man begins to slowly edge away from the much larger man advancing towards him. "I'd suggest you get a head-start there, Pete."

"Head-start?" He laughs nervously, making a motion of 'help me' towards Sam, who just shakes his head with a smug grin. "Why would I need-"

Before the young teen can finish his sentence, however, Bucky lunges towards him with an incredibly fake sounding battle cry, his outstretched arms just missing the boy on purpose as he dashes out of the room.

"It was Mr. Wilson's idea! All his idea!" He yells as he rounds the corner, Bucky chasing after him, a lopsided grin plastered on his features, leaving just you and Sam behind in the living room.

"You know he'll get you back for this, right?" You state matter-of-factly, crossing your arms over your chest as you turn to meet Sam's gaze, the distant protests of Peter reaching your ears.

"I'm counting on it," Sam shrugs, the smug grin still not leaving his features as he settles into the couch that had been previously occupied, picking up the remote and changing the channel. "But for now, let's find something actually good to watch."

Sighing contentedly to yourself, you relax into the cushions of your seat behind you, a soft chuckle rising in your throat.

Man, these guys can be complete idiots sometimes, but hey.

They're family.

And oftentimes, families are idiots.

At least we can all be idiots together.

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