I Know A Place (Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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Prompt: Bucky is adamant that he and Steve don't hand you, a former member of HYDRA's Winter Soldier Program, over to the US government.


"Steve, just listen to me," A rather angry sounding tone echoes down the hallway, two sets of heavy, male sounding footsteps following along.

"I know that you think we can help her, but we can't," Another voice replies, a trace of something unfamiliar in his tone.

Blinking a few times as you prop yourself up to a sitting position from where you had been laying, your gaze wanders past the bars of the containment cell you'd somehow managed to end up in.

"But we can!" The first voice you'd heard argues, his tone becoming louder as their footsteps do the same. "We could bring her to Wakanda! They helped me regain my memories! It's not like she's any different!"

"Bucky," The other sighs heavily, the footsteps stopping momentarily. "I want to help her, I really do, but we can't just keep bombarding T'Challa with requests like what we'd be asking. He has his own people to take care of."

"I know, I know," The male voice who was beginning to sound angry now practically whispers, your ears straining to make out his next few words. "But our government's processing system is so full of flaws! What if someone happens to waltz into where she's being kept and decides to play with her mind, like they did with mine?! What happens then?"

"They would take care of it, Buck."

"Oh yeah?" He chuckles, a bit of darkness creeping into his tone. "Like they 'took care' of me? When I was the Winter Soldier? Steve, I plowed through those pathetic guards like they were twigs!"

"Yeah, I know. I was there," The other grumbles, the footsteps resuming.

"Listen, all I'm saying is that you have no idea what she's capable of."

"And you do?"

"As a matter of fact, I do, actually."

The voices are much closer than ever before now, the sound of the footsteps now gone.

Flicking your eyes up from where they had fallen to your lap where your hands had began to wring together instinctively and to the two figures in front of you, a nagging feeling at the back of your brain catches you off guard.

"Who are you guys?" You murmur aloud, gaze raking over the blond dressed in a dark blue uniform, a silver star emblazoned in the chest.

Captain America?

"I'm Steve Rogers," The blond greets, his own blue eyes examining your form over as well, almost as if he were picking you apart. "You might know me as Captain America?"

"I was supposed to assassinate you awhile back," You hum lowly, dry, cracked lips pursing together slightly. "Though the Asset was assigned to take over my Mission."

"Who is this so called 'Asset' you speak of?" The man standing beside Captain America speaks up, the now much more clearer and crisp tones in his voice sending goosebumps dancing over your skin.

You just click your tongue in reply.

"He was the weakest of all of us, yet he always was being assigned to cover Missions that our handlers deemed too easy for the rest of us. He never really spoke much... Had an incredibly harsh left hook with that titanium arm of his..."

You wordlessly roll up the sleeve of the loose long-sleeved shirt you're wearing to reveal an ugly looking scar in your forearm.

"He managed to nip me with his knife the one time. I taught him a lesson after that."

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