I Won't Let Them (Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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The pitter-patter of rain drops against the living room windows of the Avengers Complex is the only sound keeping you company.

The building is empty.

You're the only one in it.

Sighing softly, you flip the page in the book you're reading rather absentmindedly, your mind elsewhere.

Being alone has always scared you.

Ever since you were stuck in that disgusting, dim cell with nothing but pain and foggy memories of who you once were to keep you company.


They ruined your life.

By erasing your memory over and over again until you were willing to do whatever they desired - usually not so pleasant things.

And now, with the help of the man you trust with every fiber of your being, you're beginning to rebuild who you once were.

Y/N L/N.

The only woman American woman who was tough enough to do a man's job back in World War Two.

But, that persistence and bull-headedness cost you.

Nearly your life.

But now, thanks to James Buchanan Barnes, or Bucky for short, you get a second chance at life.

You and he both.

See, Bucky had come back for you.

By some mere miracle, the grittiest part of the young man from the 1940s had resurfaced, breaking through decades of HYDRA's ruthless mind-melting torture.

He managed to break you out of the godawful place you'd been cooped up in for what Steve had later informed you to be about seventy or so years.

But yet, you hadn't seemed to age a day.

I guess I can thank cryo for that one.

Bucky had saved you.

Bucky remembered you.

For the longest time, the pair of you were on the run all over, keeping your distance from absolutely everyone.

But, as you ran, memories came back.

Good and bad.

You both helped each other through your good times and your bad times.

You both had eachother's backs.

Bucky never left your side.

And if he did, it was never for long.

He always came back.

He'll be back soon.

He always comes back.

A slight shiver runs through you, causing you to pull the blanket in your lap up around your shoulders, your shaking form snuggling deeper into the couch cushions.

He's been gone too long.

That's your paranoia talking.

So, you shove it aside.

He'll be back! He just went to get a few things for dinner!

Tears begin to well in your eyes as the darker part of your thoughts break through the barrier that had been holding them at bay.

A simple grocery run has gone wrong before...

What if they found him again?

Took him to some back alleyway and opened up that little red book-

"That rain is really coming down out there! Wow!" A familiarly light hearted voice exclaims from the back entrance to the Complex, just on the opposite side of the room to where you're sitting.

Instantly, relief floods your system as you toss the blanket and book aside, sprinting towards the newcomer.

Bucky is making his way towards the kitchen, grocery bags in hand, his leather jacket absolutely soaked, hair sticking to his cheeks.

"You look like you decided to go for a swim along the way!" You tease, nearing his disheveled looking form, helping him peel off the jacket around his shoulders.

"Ha ha. Very funny," He chuckles sarcastically as you take the jacket from him, draping it over a chair at the dining room table to dry before helping him with putting away the groceries.

"What did you do while I was gone, doll?" Bucky hums, opening the fridge to put away the new carton of eggs before grabbing a crate of strawberries.

"Just some reading," You reply, your thoughts coming up short.

Seeming to notice your shift in tone, the man in the kitchen with you stops what he's doing, turning to face you with a genuine look of concern dancing across his features.

"Well," You murmur, avoiding his steely blue eyes. "I guess I did more thought wandering than reading... and you know how that usually turns out..."

At this, Bucky gently hooks a finger under your chin, forcing your gaze to meet his.

"Were they good or bad today?"

You pause momentarily, beginning to drown in his gaze.

"B-Bad," You admit, your voice faltering. "I just couldn't stop thinking about what if something happened to you... what if they decided to open that godawful red book and say those words..."

The expression of the man in front of you begins to crumble.

"I worry about you, Buck," You murmur, tears flowing freely down your cheeks. "I hate it when you have to go somewhere. I hate being alone! I can't be alone again! I just can't!"

"I know, I know," Is all he whispers, pulling you into his strong, warm embrace, his fingers running soothingly through your hair. "I'm not leaving you, sweetheart. I'm not leaving you."

"But what if-"

Your sentence is cut off by a bought of heart wrenching sobs as you burry your head into the crook of his neck, unable to do much more than try and breathe.

"I won't let that happen, doll," Bucky assures, his own voice beginning to waver. "Y/N, look at me."

Stepping away from him slightly, you slowly raise your head to meet his gaze, his emotions clearly shining in his own eyes.

"We're here now. We're not on the run - on our own - anymore," He tries to smile, though it quickly breaks, tears streaking his face. "We have family here. Family that will take care of us when neither of us can take care of each other... We're safe here, Y/N."

All you can do is feebly nod your head in slight agreement, your body collapsing into his chest once more.

"But they want us back. HYDRA wants us back. All of this," You pause, motioning to the modern kitchen around the both of you. "They can take away in an instant... You know that, Buck."

The man holding you sighs heavily, his lips meeting your forehead.

"I do know that," He agrees, tone changing slightly as his lips move away again. "But I have no intention of letting anyone even get close to trying to take everything away from us."

"I don't either," You whisper softly, your sobs beginning to cease as Bucky gently starts to sway to the sound of the faint tune playing from the living room, the groceries forgotten.

"We've made it this far together," He murmurs, placing a hand on your hip, your own body beginning to sway along with his. "And I plan on making it to the end with you. No one can take you away from me."

"They'll try..." You sigh, a sadness tugging at your heart as your gazes meet.

"I know they will, but I won't let them."

"I won't let them, either..."

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