Two Broken People (Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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A/N: JazmineElezovic gave me this idea! Thanks!

Prompt: Bucky reacting to you telling him how you were abused as a child.

Notes: Possibly triggering? Mentions of past abuse/abandonment.

A stiff winter wind blows against your cheeks, forcing your shivering form deeper against the wall and into the small doorstep you're huddled on, waiting

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A stiff winter wind blows against your cheeks, forcing your shivering form deeper against the wall and into the small doorstep you're huddled on, waiting.

Waiting for what?

That answer is simple.

Your Partner.

That's who you're waiting for.

However, your Partner himself isn't quite as straightforward.

And hey, the funny thing is, you're not as straight as an arrow either with your past.

Imagine that. It's almost like Steve and Natasha knew what they were doing when they paired you with the ex-HYDRA assassin.

Two broken people should complete each other, one might assume.

But you have yet to see just how that might work when neither of you have really interacted that much.

In fact, the entire time you've been here, first watching your target from afar, then stalking him down some sketchy looking Russian alleyways and now, simply waiting for your Partner to return, you finally realize just how alone and vulnerable you've been.

Pulling your knees closer to your chest in a vain attempt to keep warm and block out the rising surge of suddenly dark thoughts, you burry your head in your hands.

"And stay out!" Your Father booms from where his broad figure is towering over your bloodied and bruised form, laying on your back on the snowy front walkway of the house you'd grown up in.

"Dad! Please! I can explain-"

The man who had just dragged you outside into the freezing January night stops dead in his tracks, his gaze turning to pierce through you.

"You lost your chance to do that a long time ago. Good luck finding somewhere this time of night."

With that, he continues on his way, slamming the front door shut right in front of your face, leaving you to fend completely for yourself once more.

Though this time, you know it's for real.

"Y/N? Are you there?" A familiar voice crackles in your earpiece, pulling you from your thoughts and rooting you back to the present.

You sigh heavily, picking the frozen tears off of your cheeks before answering.

"Yeah, I'm here, Bucky. What's up?"

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