Fireworks (Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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A/N: IDK what this is. All I know is that I can't feel my left eye. It feels cold. I have no idea what that's about. I also can't feel my hands. It's late. I'm tired. I'm cold. Enjoy this mess? Lol.


A cold, stiff wind blows at your face, numbing your cheeks and quickly chapping your lips.

It's miserable weather.

Notably for a stakeout-type Mission you and your Partner are currently on.

But, the bone-chilling weather doesn't seem to be putting a dent in the local's festivities - an annual festival being held on every street corner, non-stop.

Perfect chaos for your targets to just blend in with and go undetected.

Which, they might very likely will, if the weather keeps acting like this.

"This is ridiculous, Bucky," You grumble quietly into the earpiece lodged firmly in your ear, directly linked to your Partner, who just so also happens to be your fiancé. "I'm so cold, that if we have to do something, I won't be able to move!"

"It's your Mission, Y/N," His soft, yet stern tone filters back to you, a chuckle following. "You can call it off if you want."

"These guys - they're not even dangerous. They're just some low life locals causing havoc around here, right?"

"That's what the File said."

"In that case," You huff, beginning to precariously pick your way down off of the rocky outlook you'd been situated upon, keeping an eye on the streets below. "We'll let the Police deal with them. No sense getting involved. Especially when it's so busy..."

"That's what I've been sayin' since day one!" Your Partner sighs dramatically from the opposite end, a muted sound of boots hitting concrete also coming through. "Am I meeting you or are you meeting me?"

"I'll meet you."

With that, you holster your binoculars and double check your concealed pistol before wrapping the jacket you wear around you much tighter than before, shivering as you make your way into town.


It hadn't taken you and Bucky long to get back to the small, quaint little safehouse on the outskirts of the local town.

Well, other than trying not to get run over by the sheer amount of people roaming the streets, so caught up in the festivities that they don't pay any mind to where they're headed... Yeah. That was sort of tricky.

But hey, you both made it work.

Even though Bucky had practically been forced to pick you up at one point because there just wasn't enough room for two people, shoulder to shoulder.

And now, you're settling in for the evening, much warmer thanks to the hot mugs of tea in your hands, gaze resting absentmindedly on the ever sinking sun.

"You alright?" The all too familiar voice of your fiancé murmurs from behind as he approaches you, his own warm beverage casually held in one hand, a blanket in the other.

"Mhm," Is all you really have the energy to muster up, the warmth radiating from your hands beginning to lull you to sleep.

"You sure?" Bucky presses gently, taking a seat on the floor in front of the window beside you, draping the blanket over both you and he. "Because ever since we've gotten back, you've seemed a bit out of it."

"I'm fine," You assure your fiancé softly, passing him a small smile before once more continuing to stare out at the setting sun.

"If you say so..." He murmurs, vibranium hand finding yours and interlacing both your fingers together - a common gesture between the pair of you.

Some time passes.

The sun finally sets.

Submerging the two figures sitting in front of the large windows in a dim darkness, hands entwined together.

But when that darkness is illuminated so rapidly, followed by an obnoxiously loud series of noises, you can't help but yelp in surprise, jumping slightly, the hand holding yours instantly receiving a much tighter grip.

"What was that?" You muse aloud in bewilderment, only to watch once more as the area around you both is dazzled by another array of light, the same noises following suit.

"Fireworks," Bucky chuckles fondly from your side, to which you join in on. "You're not afraid of fireworks, are you, Doll?"

"Maybe just a little," You admit with a slight nod, scooting closer to the man at your side. "I just don't like the noise, that's all."

Your Partner sighs softly, a look of understanding gracing his features as he wordlessly pulls you closer, shifting your smaller form so your head is resting comfortably against his shoulder.

"Better?" He murmurs, bringing a hand to play with the ends of your hair in an attempt to calm your heightened nerves.

"A bit..." You trail off, another set of fireworks dazzling your vision, as well as a sudden idea sparking in your mind.

Before Bucky can even manage to get a word out, you've playfully tackled him to the floor, a cheeky grin plastered to your lips.

Hovering over your fiancé, straddling his waist, you nod to yourself, a look of absolute surprise and admiration on his own features as you simply let yourself fall limp against his chest, landing against him with a quiet, "oof."

"What the heck was that for?" He laughs fondly, a cool hand finding the small of your back, beginning to rub small circles.

"I just felt like tackling you," You admit, giggling softly before tucking your head into the crook of his neck and stilling against him.

"You just wanted cuddles. Admit it."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"Did not."

"Did to."

"I'm just trying to distract myself from the noise," You grumble, sighing heavily. "So now would you just talk me to sleep, or something? Anything, really."

Now it's Bucky's turn to tackle you, though he's extraordinarily gentle - as he always is - softly gripping your waist and re-positioning you both so you're laying on your side and he on his, your bodies still connected.

"We're just gonna sleep here?" He mumbles teasingly, lips delicately planting a kiss on your forehead. "On the floor?"

"Oh why not," You reply, a lopsided grin forming on your lips as Bucky's face inches towards yours, eyes darting to your lips as your own gaze follows his.

And as the darkness of whatever dingy safehouse you both are currently laying on the living room floor of, is illuminated in a dazzling array of colours, your lips meet in a kiss that never gets old, no matter how many times it occurs.

Every time is different.

Every time just feels more and more... right.

"Do you still want me to lull you to sleep, Love?" Bucky murmurs as you both pull away, his lips practically still on yours before they're moving again.

"Just hold me, please," You breathe, shifting even closer into his embrace, a strong arm draping over your waist and securing your smaller form to his.

And before you know it, the sound of fireworks is instead replaced by the steady, rhythmic sound of Bucky Barnes' heartbeat.

A heartbeat that soothes you beyond words can describe.

And even as he watches you slip into the depths of sleep, he can't help but grin fondly, pressing yet another delicate kiss to your forehead.

"Fireworks. She never told me she was afraid of fireworks - Of all things..."

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