Calm Your Nerves (Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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Prompt: You've always hated parties. But, seeing as it's one of your best friend's birthday parties, you figure you should suffer through your discomfort and attend. But, it seems that there's another person who also happens to be hanging away from the crowds...


Of course.

Of all the days and now your body decides to throw a tantrum and feel sick?

No. It's just nerves.

Nerves? What's there to be nervous about?

Nothing, really.

Just the simple idea of a crowded room with the never-ending buzz of chatter and the rumbling of music makes you want to hurl.

But you don't.

Rather, you smooth out one of the nicer outfits you have at your disposal and sigh to yourself, mentally getting ready for the inevitable chaos downstairs.

It's Steve's birthday, which also happens to be the 4th of July.

So all around, it's a massive celebration.

And it happens every year.

And every year, you usually end up off in a corner somewhere, alone, with just a drink you'd touch now and then.

You always steered clear of conversation and the rest of the party goers.

Oftentimes feeling... left out and lonely.

But, it's your choice. You bring the loneliness upon yourself.

And frankly, being lonely is better than being bombarded with a gazillion questions about whatever anyone might ask.

Huffing aloud, you take one last look at yourself in the mirror, nodding, before leaving the safety of your room behind, heading out towards the festivities.


So far, things were progressing as usual.

Clint was making bets with the partygoers about what's the smallest thing he could hit with an arrow.

Tony was schmoozing with the much fancier clothed people, of who always appear to enjoy the conversation.

Natasha and Steve are chatting casually off to the side, against the small bar in the room, grins evident on both their features...

And you, you're sitting in your usual spot on the couch in the corner, positioned on the balcony that overlooks the main area, providing you with a full view of everything.

Mentally, you begin to do a head count of all the Avengers in the room, a slight feeling of discomfort forming in the pit of your stomach.

Steve, Tony, Nat, Clint... oh, there's Bruce, Rhodey... and there's Thor...

With your gaze wandering over the sea of people, your thoughts becoming solely focused on your headcount, you nearly scream aloud as a gentle hand rests on your shoulder.

"Bucky! What the hell?" You blurt out instead of screaming, your counting forgotten as you whip your head around to face the newcomer obviously behind you.

He raises his hands in mock surrender, a grin forming across his lips.

"Sorry, didn't realize you'd startle so easy."

You sigh, chuckling slightly, motioning to the chair across from the couch.

"I was just lost in thought, that's all. But you showed up late. What kept you?"

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