Who, Now?

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Today is June 09, 2002. It's a beautiful Summer day with the sky peppered in puffy clouds in the yellow sky. I was currently sitting outside at a restaurant. I was with Yukako who was with her boyfriend Koichi. A couple of his friends came and joined with us. I used to go to school with them, but I wasn't sure of their names. I only went to the same school. I wasn't in the same class.

The loud one greeted, "Oi, Koichi, don't tell me you have two girlfriends now?!"

The one with the big chest and old fashioned hair said, "Come on, Okuyasu. What makes you think she would share him with anyone?"

"Oh!" Okuyasu responded. "So..." He elbowed big chested dude in the side suggestively. "She may be single. How bout you ask her out?"

Yukako rolled her eyes and said, "She's not going to just go out with anyone." She held grabbed Koichi's hand and said, "Especially not my Koichi."

I scoffed, "None of this is going to solve my problem!" I slammed my pencil on the table and placed my forehead on my notebook in from of me.

It's been three months since I graduated from High School, and I was kinda in a slump. I am a author, well I am trying to be an author! I need to make this story work, or I can't make this a living. Then... I will have no choice but I *shudder* rely on my parents!

"Right!" Koichi said. "Ame, show them what you can do."

I sat back up completely. Yukako was the first person who was able to see this weird thing other than me. Then she showed Koichi. Since they were able to see it unlike everyone else around me, I felt like I could trust them.

"Okay." I picked up my pencil and sliced the air with it. I shrugged as I said, "There For Tomorrow." 

In the area I sliced, it opened up showing a little guy peeking through the slit. He opened it wider and floats out. Behind him inside there, I could see my own "Small World". It was a place where I can create anything. I could put things into thought, and it would be there. It was like my thoughts put into reality.

The big-chested guy quickly stood up alarmed. He asked, "Is there another arrow here?"

Koichi said, "No. Ame said that her stand formed when three years ago." Back in 1999.

He shrugged, "Well, as long as she isn't the enemy, everything should be fine." He sat back down. I still didn't know his name, and it felt awkward to ask just then.

I just looked up at my little guy. He was color coded in red and black. He looked something like a robot. He had big round eyes that can stare into a soul. It would be creepy if he didn't somehow remind me of myself.

I asked, "So can someone explain what all this is?" I pointed at him.

The guy that I still didn't have a name for said, "Okay, it's a long, crazy story."

I shrugged, "I have all day. Maybe this craziness can help me with my book."

And so, this guy, Josuke, explained everything that happened in the Summer of 1999, and oh my gosh, was that a ride! So I was one of the people shot by the arrow he was worried about.

After he was done, I sat my pencil down with wide eyes. "So there are more of you with these Stands, and you guys went through quite a bit. WOW." I looked down at my notebook. "There was nothing that I could write that could top that! Real life experience don't just come like that everyday!"

Josuke asked, "Didn't you say you were having a problem with your book?"

I nodded.

"We know someone that can help you!" Josuke said with anticipation.

I gasped, "Really?"

And so, Josuke decided me to take me to someone's house. As we walked, he told me about this guy named Rohan. Apparently, this guy is a mangaka. He writes the best manga. One of them is called Pink Dark Boy.

When we arrived, we stood in front of a big house. He knocked on the door and waited patiently yet eagerly.

After a while, the door opened a crack. An eye peeked through.

Josuke said unperturbed, "Hey, Rohan, I have this writer here who needs some guidance from the great Rohan."

Rohan looked at me through the crack in the door. He asked, "What is it that you want to achieve?"

"Um, uh." That was a loaded question. I had no idea how to answer that. "Um, I-."

Suddenly... I was... opened? I couldn't move from the spot, but Rohan was outside in front of me. He was holding me from collapsing to the ground.

"Rohan!" Josuke gasped. "I told you-."

"Ask questions first, then attack," he said matter-of-factly. "That's what I did."

"She's a stand user too," Josuke said.

"I can read that," Rohan chided. "Hm, so you've written some books before Ms. Ame. Ah, I have to see your stand some time. Hm, so you heard about everything that went on, but you couldn't think of anything to top it. That's quite weak and subpar. Hm..."

Suddenly, I was back balancing on my feet.

Rohan said, "I'll help you out."

"Wait," I said offended. "Did you just call me weak and subpar?"

Rohan said, "Yes. Now do you want some help or not?"

"Yes," I said immediately. I have pride, but I needed help more. I'll take it. I was just glad that he wasn't bad on the eyes. Dude was wearing a whole crop top, and it was a sight to behold.

Wait... if he could read my situation by doing what he just did, could he know what I thought about him?

"Um," Josuke said awkwardly. He looked to me, then back to Rohan.

"You can leave," Rohan said to him. "We have some clear work to do." He waved his hand telling him to go away.

Yes, we do! I mentally slapped my wrist and carried on.

I wonder what's going to happen.

I think I projected way too much in this. AME IS LITERALLY ME!

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now