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About a month has gone by. Things has been going as usual. I was writing and so was Rohan. I was also working with an agent to go further in my writing career. Of course, I didn't leave Rohan's side. I mean he's my boyfriend afterall.

Today was one of those days where Rohan was cooped up in his house. He was writing, but he couldn't use a distraction right now. So I was with Yukako and Koichi at Ragatei Cafe. It was evening, so any class pertaining to their college work was done. Earlier, we spent time together talking about life and going out. Now we chilling after a nice afternoon together.

I tried to be as quiet as possible while most of her attention was on Koichi at the moment. I took a sip of my lemonade and stared off into space.

Yukako and Koichi were so wholesome, but Yukako got some crazy yandere vibes when it comes to him. I wondered if Rohan had a side to him like that. All I knew from my two months of dating him was that he was cool headed and can easily get flustered by certain things. He was also super confident in himself and had the tendency to look down on others. I noticed that most of the time, he asked for permission before doing anything he would deem inappropriate.

"Those are the eyes of someone in love," a voice said from behind me.

I jumped and saw Rohan. I gasped, "What are you doing here? No, how did you know where I was?"

He scoffed, "Isn't it obvious? I used my critical thinking skills. Where else would you be at a time like this?" He had a point, either I was at a cafe or home.

Koichi greeted, "Hi, Rohan-sensei!"

Rohan greeted, "Hello, Koichi." Then he looked at Yukako and said in a less enthusiastic, "Hi."

Yukako wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and scowled, "You will not take Koichi away from me!"

Rohan wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind. He said sharply, "I won't. In fact, I have my own muse who will be with me for the rest of my life... if she wants."

"Hm," I mumbled in agreement. Then suddenly I understood what he said. He was talking about me. He was implying... "What?!"

"Hey, Ame," Rohan said not phased from my outburst. "Do you want to get married?"

This time Koichi was the one to squeal in surprise.

My heart quickened at that sudden question. I mean, I really like the dude. As much as we hung out, we have gotten closer over time. Him asking about marriage seemed so unlike him! But... "I would totally love to, but how the heck did this come about?"

Rohan let go of me and grabbed a chair from the nearest table. He pulled it over to sit down beside me. "I was thinking about it for a while, but I didn't say anything because it could've scared you off."

I replied puzzled, "But you just brought it up now like it was nothing."

"Hm," he said. "Your confusion is warranted."

"Aw," Koichi said. "Look at those love birds."

I scoffed, "As if you two weren't close to sucking face earlier."

Koichi laughed bashfully.

I jumped as Rohan gently grabbed my hand and examined it. "What are you doing?"

Rohan answered matter of factly, "I'm measuring your ring finger."

I asked, "You can do that just by looking?"

"Yep," he said as he sat my hand down.

I asked, "What made you think about marriage anyways?"

He listed, "You love me. We have similar goals. I enjoy your presence. Do you want kids?"


He continued, "We both don't want kids. I... What more is there to look for?"

I shrugged, "Actually, I don't know either. I was just wondering what you were thinking."

"Understandable," he said as he grabbed my cup. He examined it closely, then he took a sip.

Yukako put her attention back to Koichi.

I thought about what just happened seconds ago. That was technically a marriage proposal. It was quite lack luster, but my heart couldn't help but pound. It was something about his straightforwardness that puts me at ease. I was surprised that he even kept his thoughts about marriage away from me just because it might "scare me away".

Then I muttered, "Bold of you to think you would scare me away when I literally simped for you first."

"Simp?" He said confused.

"It's nothing big," I shrugged. "There's just no need to hide stuff from me like that. Plus, I feel like you would dump me before I ever dump you."

Rohan said, "That's highly unlikely."

"What?" I scoffed. "Have you seen me? I am more dump-worthy than you."

"Yes, I've seen you." He leaned toward me and whispered, "And I want everything to do with you. There is no way I would leave your side unless you say so."

I retaliated, "Well, I'm not leaving you unless you give me the word."

He glared at me, and I stared back with the same intensity.

Then I said, "Did we just agreed that we have no reason to NOT get married?"

"Yep," he confirmed.

I closed the gap between us kissed him on the lips. When I pulled back, I said, "Bet."

A light blush dusted Rohan's cheeks as he gazed back. Then he turned away and said, "Then don't go back on your word because I won't."

"And that's what the marriage is for. That's our official vow."

Rohan placed his hand over his face and turned further away.

I cooed, "Aw, you're blushing!"

"Shut up," he softly snapped.

"Okay... fiance." From my own words, I began to blush. I understand the weight of that title. This dude really wanted to marry me. The dude I messed with and flirted with, wanted me.

"Why are you blushing?" Rohan asked. "You are the one who said it!"

"Yeah whatever," I said this while covering my face.

Gosh, I loved this man.

Yeah... Idk what's gonna happen next, so I may have 1 or 2 chapters in me. I just wanted to warn ya. Once it says "The End", it's the end.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now