Focusing... i guess

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It has been a week since Rohan's and my first date. Since then, my creativity has been through the roof. I was writing like my life depended on it. We still met up to work together.

Currently, I was focusing on going on the next part of my book. I was currently at the cafe waiting for Rohan. I already ordered tea for him and lemonade for myself. I was on a roll with my writing process.

I was so focused that I didn't notice that Rohan was in front of me until I took a sip of my lemonade. I jumped, "Oh Rohan! Hi. How long have you been there?"

He answered, "For about five minutes." It must've been true because his writing utensils were already in displayed out in front of him.

I passed him his tea and said, "Here you go."

"Thank you," he said. "I see you are going somewhere with your story."

"Yeah," I answered. "And it's mostly thanks to you."

"Yes it is," he said arrogantly. "Without me, Rohan Kishibe, you wouldn't have the chance to experience the likes of mine."

I scoffed at his hubris, "Yeah, sure."

He grabbed his writing utensil and began drawing. "How long have been working? You have been working almost nonstop all week."

I looked at my watch and did the math. "Hmm... for about three hours." I began tapping my pencil as I let my mind reel over what to write next.

Then a hand covered mine. I looked up to see Rohan attached to it. "What?"

Rohan said, "I can see that you are doing well, but you don't want to burn out. Next thing you know it, writing could turn from joy to a chore."

I frowned, "I don't want that."

He continued, "I want you to write because you want to. Breaks are vital."

"But it feels like I just got started," I replied.

"That's good," he said. "Let it continue to feel like it. Make it something you look forward to. Don't make it feel like something you have to do."

I sighed, "So does that mean you want me to take a break?"

"Yeah," he answered.

"And what exactly do you want me to do?" I asked.

Rohan took a sip from his tea and leaned forward. "Rest a bit. Maybe experience some things. It can help you keep your creative juices flowing."

I said with doubt, "Juices?"

He scoffed, "Just rest." He pushed my hand down on the table. "I bet you want to have yet another date with me."

I deadpan glared at him. "You are so full of yourself." But couldn't have been more right. I drew into the air with my free hand to open my Small World. "Get in."



"Oh right," he said standing up. "I forgot about that. Heaven's Door!"

I collapsed facedown on the table. I lost all strength.

Rohan lifted my face up a little. He wrote something, then he said, "Go ahead."

I lifted my head back up. I saw that my Small World disappeared, so I recreated it. Then I grabbed Rohan my his collar and pushed him into my Small World. I jumped in right after him.

When I landed, I was in my makeshift bedroom. I was beside my bed.

Rohan was sitting up on my bed. He chided, "Could you have been even rougher?"

Probably, I could have been more rough, but he probably wasn't interested in that. I sat on the bed beside Rohan and asked, "Do you mind if I close my Small World to shut everyone off?"

Rohan shrugged, "It would be a hassle if anyone interrupted us."

"Is that a yes?" I asked for clarification.

"Yes," he clarified. "It's a yes."

I tried my best to hold in my excitement as laid over Rohan's thighs and sighed. I held my feet up and swung them. I was laying on Rohan again! Perpendicular, but nice.

I ordered TFT, "Close Small World."

TFT did as he was told.

I reached over to touch his exposed midsection. I pushed Rohan back onto his back while I slid my hand on his stomach. I may have marvelled over his croptop, but I never thought I would be touching his abdominals!

"Ame," Rohan called. "You're drooling."

I quickly wiped at my mouth, but I felt nothing. I glared at him.

He was giving me a cocky smirk.

After a few seconds of glaring, I shifted in position, stuck my tongue out, and licked his stomach.

That caused Rohan to jolt upright. "What was that for?"

I stuck my touch out disgusted, "You taste salty."

He replied, "Of course I do! I was sweating. It's hot outside."

"Make sense." I laid my head down which was still in the stomach area. I sighed. "It's been like a week since we cuddled at all."

We sat there in silence. I didn't bother to look up at him to see how he reacted. Yes, we basically started going out last week, but I wanted to cuddle more often instead of just working with him.

After a few seconds, he replied, "If you want to... cuddle, then you could've just asked me." His hand reached down to my cheek and pulled my head up to look at him. "I don't mind that at all." Then he added, "Just ask."

I sat all the way up with Rohan. I asked, "Can I sit in front of you with your arms around me like last time?"

"Yes," he answered.

And so, I sat in front of him with my back against him. He wrapped his arms around me. I giggled like an idiot as I felt the warmth from him envelope me.

After like five minutes, Rohan asked, "So what now?"

At this point, I'm not going to focus on this story. I need to focus on my actual novel, so these updates will be mad slow. I hope whoever reads this enjoyed it thus far.

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