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When I woke up, it seemed like time didn't pass, but there was evidence from the way the sun shone in the room. I looked at my watch and saw that at least two hours had gone by.

I was feeling really hot, so I pulled myself off of the chair. I tried my best to untangle myself from the cover Rohan and I were sharing. I slid to the floor to get some fresh air. I looked at Rohan to see how he was doing.

He was still asleep. An arm was held above his head on the arm of the chair. It made it lift his shirt to show his midriff. One of his fountain pen tip buttons were loose, showing some of his cleavage.

I turned away as it felt illegal to look at his chest. "Self control, Ame. Self control." Seeing a calm Rohan was normal, but a docile Rohan... "Mm," I mumbled with difficulty.

I got up from the floor and fixed the cover over him. I picked up the bowl that I left and went to clean it.

During my task, I was trying to think of other ways to take care of Rohan. "Hm... I wonder if there is a particular tea he likes." I should've known as I ordered it for him, but it was always just "tea", no other name.

I left the kitchen to come back to the office, I found Rohan awake.

The covers were over his shoulders as he stared at nothing as if sleep was still tugging at him.

I said, "Hey, Rohan. How are you feeling?"

He gazed over at me and didn't say anything. He just looked tired. Then he raised his hand from underneath his cover and tapped his knee.

I scoffed, "What am I? A dog?" Either way, I went to the front of him and waited for him to say whatever he needed to say. "What do you want?"

"I want your warmth," he demanded.

"At least say please," I chided.

He added reluctantly, "Please."

"Okay," I said as I sat on his while facing him. "Don't let me fall." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he did the same around my waist.

He laid his head on my shoulder as he said with his voice rough, "As if I, Rohan Kishibe, would let you fall." He pushed me against him so that we were basically pressed against each other. His hands trailed down to my butt, but he quickly moved them away. "Sorry. I should've asked first."

"Just touch me," I coerced.

"Uh-," he stopped his words quickly. "Okay." He moved his hands back... and squeezed.

I teased, "So are you a butt man?"

He scoffed as he continued to squeezing, "It's just something warm."

"Sure," I said sarcastically. "And you decided that you basically grinding on me is to get your blood circulating." I didn't think he knew that he was moving under me.

I could hear his breath get caught in his throat. He froze his movements.

Then his lips reached my neck. He licked there and said, "And you could say this is for adrenaline."

"Wait, how?" I said confused.

He said, "I don't know. I was trying to come up with an excuse. Shut up." He pressed his lips back on the nape of my neck and began sucking.

I gasped as I never felt this feeling before. Was his sickness getting his mind all out of wack, or was he really doing what he wanted.

Then everything seemed to happen at once. His hands were moving, his mouth was still sucking, and his hips were moving.

Then my hands were moving... me the opposite way. I began teetering back from his lap.

Rohan quickly moved his hands up to my waist. He stopped me from falling. He asked, "Are you okay?" He was out of breath.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered.

Rohan asked, "Then why do you look scared?"

"I... I don't know." Now I was just embarrassed. What the heck was I thinking pushing him away. Weren't I just confident a second ago? I laid my head against his headband covered forehead. I sighed, "Sorry."

"Stop it," he said sharply. "Stop apologizing." His green eyes bore into mine. "You're fine." He placed his clammy hands on both of my cheeks and said, "Maybe it was a bit too overwhelming for you."

I groaned, "What a pain." I was all confident and then I reacted like this. It made me frustrated.

Rohan asked, "We can just do what you like... cuddling."

"Yeah?" I perked up a bit.

He gave a little laugh, "And you said you weren't like a dog. I can see you perk up from cuddling." He pulled his hands from my face and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Next time," I said. "I'm going to make out with you SO HARD!"

He chuckled with snark, "I like to see you try."

I said, "What you need right now is rest. Aren't you still sick? What if I catch your cold?"

"Then I can take care of you."

I glanced at him to see if this guy was capable of doing such a think. I said with doubt, "Sure..." I laid my head on his shoulder. "Just focus on getting better. Alright?" I waited for an answer.


His breathing was heavy. He fell asleep.

I carefully got off of his lap, waking him up enough to lay back down. I gently placed my hand on his extra warm cheek.

"Good night," I whispered.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now