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Warning: chapter is very suggestive. Skip to end for summery in italics.

We were at Rohan's office. He decided to pack up the picnic to satisfy his drawing urges. The only big difference...

He wanted to draw me.

Did I agree to this? Yes.

Am I desperate? No.


Here I was watching Rohan fumble through his desk for his writing utensils and drawing pad. When he got his things, he commanded, "Lay down like you were before." He grabbed my blanket from tote and laid it down for me.

He was in the mangaka mode, and I didn't want to stop him. It was amazing seeing this artist at work.

I laid down the way I was before, and he sat in the same position by my side. I asked, "I see that you are very excited. I know you are about to create a masterpiece as always."

"Yeah," he said as he put his drawing pad on his lap. "Keep talking to me like that." He began to rapidly draw.

I had no idea how I was talking, but I continued talking. It took my everything not to squeal. I tried my best to be as cool as a cucumber. I laughed, "You know, I really like when you get in your zone like that."

Rohan leaned in closer to me as he scribbled everything down. With every minute his excitement grew. He reached over to me, but he stopped himself.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Can I um-," he looked uncertain on whether to ask or not.

I reached his hand and grabbed it. "Sure. I did say that I invite any sort of affection." I let go of his hand. "Do what you want."

Rohan reached over to that exact spot where he touched earlier to hold my dress down. This time, he slid his hand under my dress.

Skin to skin contact. SKIN TO SKIN CONTACT!

He slid his hand up a little more until he was at the edge of my underwear. Then he pulled back from me. He drew some more on his drawing pad. He looked up from his task to me.

My hands were over my mouth as I was seizing with excitement. I couldn't help myself from giggling like an idiot.

Rohan placed down his drawing pad and said, "Well, that moment is gone, but-." He moved towards me and leaned in front of my face. "I'm okay with this."

I mustered up the strength to ask, "Can I kiss you?" I was getting too shy after all that confidence I was spewing.

Rohan said, "That's not a look I see on you often." He took a second before answering: "Sure. Go ahead."

I leaned closer towards his face. When I was about an inch close to him, I closed my eyes. My heart was thumping in my ears, so I could barely hear his or even my breathing. I think I froze in place.

Suddenly, I felt something wet and rough on my lips.

My eyes snapped open and gasped.

Rohan looked ready to laugh at my reaction. He licked my lips. He commented, "Your lips are quite soft. What was that? The grape juice from earlier?"

I put my hand to my lips as I felt my face grow warm. "Rohan, what the heck."

Rohan said, "Don't be getting shy on me now." He wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him.

"Sorry but," I said struggling for the right words. "I don't get to see you that way often as well."

"Then let me show you what else is unexpected." Before I could say anything, he closed his face with mine until we kissed.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now