Watch This

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It was hot. It was too hot. I made sure to wear a simple sundress. I carried a backpack big enough to hold my writing utensils.

When I arrived at the cafe, I saw Rohan at a table. In front of him were two cups. One of them he was drinking from. Bit forget that! He was dressed to impress once again!

I made sure to suck in that beauty before reaching the table. That man!

"You're late," Rohan said. "How can you be so hasty to speak and not make it on time for this?"

So so hot... if only he would keep his mouth shut. Gosh, I wanted to fight him.

"Sorry about that," I said as I sat down.

He said, "Maybe if you would stop oogling at me from afar, you would make it on time."

He saw that!?

"Yes," I said that. "You were basically drooling."

"I didn't say anything!"

"Yeah," he said. "But your face did. Your face is immature. Did you know that?"

Ugh, I wanted to fight him, so I redirected the conversation. I took a deep breath before asking, "So why are we here?"

He answered, "For inspiration. That sounds like one of the many things you are lacking."

He could've left out the word "many".

"Here," Rohan said pushing one of the cups in front of him towards me. "It's hot out here."

I took the glass and took a sip. Ah, lemonade. I loved lemonade. It was like one of my favorite drinks-. Hold on.

"How do you know that I love lemonade?"

He answered, "I read it using Heaven's Door."

I gasped, "What else did you read?"

He shrugged as he picked up his own glass, "A lot of information that would be a waste to mention." He took a sip and placed it back on the table. "Now let's start with your inspiration."

"Fine," I said without wanting to go deep on what he may or may not know. At least, it didn't make him see me in such bad light.

He continued, "The best inspiration is reality."


"Yes," he said filled with confidence. "With my stand, I can read a person's memories and experiences. I also traveled at times."

"Cool, but I don't have the ability to read minds, nor can I afford to travel."

He said, "That's why we are at the cafe. To people watch. You can learn quite a bit by listening and watching those around you."

"So be nosy," I said with doubt.

"Yes," he answered sharply. "Now shut up and watch them."

I want to fight him... I really want to fight this man. Instead of worrying about that, I took my notebook and pencil out of my backpack. I placed it in front of me on the table.

Then the silence began.

Sixty seconds later...

"So what should I be looking at?"

Rohan didn't answer my question. He asked, "Do you have trouble focusing?"

"Yes. No. Maybe?" I looked around, but I could barely find anything interesting. But... I looked at Rohan, and he was looking right back at me. His eyes were stern, but they were really pretty. Wow, I wish I could stare at him all day. I cleared my throat, "What were we talking about?"

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now