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The phone rang. I ran my room to the kitchen to pick up the phone. I said, "Hello, who is this?"

The voice said, "It's Rohan. I will be there to pick you up in ten minutes. Be ready."

"Okay-." He hung up before I could say more.

I hung up the phone and ran to the closest mirror. I managed to figure out what to wear. I told him that we were going on a picnic, so I chose my best sundress. I had a floppy hat and an umbrella as well. I have everything I needed in a tote bag. I was prepared and ready!

Ten minutes later, I heard a honk of a car. It was Rohan. I ran out with everything in tow. I hopped in the car.

I greeted, "Hi, Rohan. How was your morning?"

He answered while keeping his eyes on the road, "It was fine." That was all he said. He continued driving in silence.

I wish I knew what he was thinking. Did he really not want to go on a date with me? Was he nervous? Was he uncomfortable? Why was he quiet? Was he used to being in the position as teacher?

That last question sounded more valid than the others. He was always teaching me and giving advice, he probably didn't know what to talk about. Heck, even I didn't know what to talk about. I didn't even bother to look at his outfit he wore today! I also noticed that he had a camera hanging from his neck.

I saw that he was wearing yet another nice outfit, but it wasn't a croptop. Either way, he was dressed to impress as usual. Who would've known this man could rock the color pink so well?

The rest of the ride went quiet until we arrived at the park and he said, "We're here."

We went to a spot where a tree was. I took a blanket from my tote bag and placed it down. Then I took out our lunch.

He looked at the lunch I sat in between us. Then he said, "Thank you." He was very polite, but he was still very hard to read.

"You know," I said finally starting a conversation between the two of us. "You look great today."

"Is looks all you care about?" He replied.

I mentally slapped myself from that. I needed to refrain from complimenting his appearance. He probably still thought I was a degenerate. "I don't just care about your looks. Actually, I would like it if you tell me about yourself."

That's the ticket! If he talked about himself, maybe we could get a conversation going!

He shrugged, "What can I say? I'm passionate about my manga. I draw what I want to be read. Investigating new experiences are some things I love about it." Then he began on a tangent about being a mangaka.

I don't think I've ever seen him speak so zealously about something. It was so fascinating listening to him. I loved that excited and confident smile on his face.

Being a mangaka wasn't just his job, it was his life. I respected that. Having a life doing what you love sounds amazing.

"Wow," I swooned. I was finished eating by the time he was done. "That's amazing."

"It is," he replied. He glanced at me and sat his hand on my leg. "If I could make manga from the rest of my life, I would be the most satisfied man in the world."

I looked down at his hand that was on my leg. I tried to focus on him to avoid losing my cool.

"Sorry," he said pulling his hand away.

"No," I said. "It's fine! Touch me!"

Rohan didn't say anything as he looked down at me as if he was judging me.

"You know what I mean," I tried to explain. "I invite any forms of affection... from you. That's only if you are comfortable with it."

"At least that sounds less amorous from you." Even though he said that as if he was looking down on me, a light blush grew on his face.

I grabbed a water bottle and took a large swig. I fanned myself and looked away. I laid on my side and tried to avoid rolling away.

He was far too cute trying to keep his confidence up.

Instead of focusing on him, I decided to ask, "So I heard you like Koichi. I'm interested on knowing about that." I tilted my head curiously to see what his answer would be.

Rohan scoffed, "It's obvious, isn't it? His niceness and personality is great. It's very likeable and great material for my manga."

"Hm," I said. "That explains a lot."

"What does?"

"Nothing," I quickly say.

"How about you tell me about yourself?"

Okay, that surprised me. Not once had I heard him want to know something about me when it doesn't involve writing.

He must've understood how I felt, because he said, "Well, it's only fair to ask since you patiently listened after you asked me."

"Oh right. But I liked listening to you. It was very nice seeing you talk about what you love. It's great. That's all."

"Oh," Rohan said. His expression was oddly soft as he said this: "Well, how am I suppose to learn about the one I'm on a date with?" His voice was still sharp and uppity either way.

I was at a loss of words as I observed an uncharacteristic look from Rohan. His cheeks were a light pink, but his green eyes were stern.

"So?" Rohan said snapping me out of it. He was waiting.

I went ahead and told him some things about myself. I told him my favorite thing to do, favorite color, food and season. Then I told him why I wanted to write.

By the time I was done, Rohan was done with his own food. He said, "Now I know more about you." He put  the camera he was wearing to his face and took a picture of me.

"What was that for?"

He answered, "Seeing you talk with that look of being open for the first time was inspiring. You were right about listening to about something they like is 'great'."

My heart sped up to an uncomfortable speed at this. I wasn't sure how to respond seeing him so.... what was the word? I wanted to snap myself out of my funk, so I joked, "So is this mutual love I'm sensing?" I rested my chin on my hand to prop myself up. I swung my legs in anticipation.

Rohan answered, "It could be anything really." He looked away. He was avoiding eye contact. "It can simply be friendship. Who knows?"

I pouted, "Are you being honest?"

Suddenly the wind blew, giving me a slight chill. It felt great since it was so hot.

Before I could say anything else, I was interrupted by Rohan quickly tugging my dress. It caused his hand to slap my thigh.

When I quickly saw what was happening, Rohan's face was beet red as he held down the hem of my dress. He stuttered, "Y-your dress almost flew up."

I would've ask of he had seen my underwear, but his face said it all. Oh gosh it said it all.

Rohan said clearing his throat, "Well, I can see that those pair of underwear you wore is your favorite since it was among the few in the drawer in your Small World." Yep, that said it even louder.

I covered my face as I felt a sudden blush. "Rohan, what the heck!"

I felt his hand leave my thigh as he said, "Sorry. I forgot-."

I looked up to see what caused his to suddenly stop talking.

Rohan had his legs crossed with his hand to his mouth. He bit his nail as he said, "I need to draw that."

That? Don't tell me...

Sorry being super vague about Ame, but I wanted her to be whatever you want as the reader.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now