Show Me

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Rohan and I were back at his office. We were both quiet working on our own tasks. I was on the couch across the room while he was at his desk. He was back in his mangaka mode. He was eagerly sketching.

It was like an hour ago we weren't sucking each other faces like our lives depended on it... then cleaning the mess that he made in my Small World. >_>

I stopped writing as I noticed that Rohan stopped drawing. He sighed and said, "Look. I had to use you since you were so inspiring earlier." He proudly showed me the many pictures of 'Yuki' he drew in his sketches. She looked very similar to be. She looked very... what's that word... 'in love'. It was something so realistic and captivating about the way he drew her. I was quite flattered.

"Wow," I gasped. Then I teased with a chuckle, "I'm glad you were able to use your sexual arousal to inspire you."

Rohan scoffed, "You should be glad to be used in the manga of I, Rohan Kishibe. Maybe if you use real life experience, then your novel could be more realistic."

I paused and sighed at his hubris. "Whatever. How about we cuddle some more?"

He said curtly, "Give me five minutes." He grabbed his papers and left the room. When he ran out some other papers and writing utensils clattered to the ground. Either way, he didn't come back for them.

When he came back five minutes later, he went straight to me. He said, "Let me show you all the pages with Yuki on it." He was very excited, so I didn't reject it. I want to encourage this side of him.

I motioned him to come to me. He sat beside me, and he began showing me each page one by one. I listened and watched intently. The passion in his eyes made my heart swell. It took me a while to remember that, he wanted his work to be read. He didn't care about the money.

When he was done, he carefully placed the papers to the side. Then he pat his lap.

I scoffed, "What am I? A dog?" Despite that, I climbed onto his lap facing him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist. He whispered close to my ear, "Thank you for listening."

"No problem," I said. "It was nice listening to you. You should show me more of your work like that instead of just the ones with Yuki."

"Really?" He said with his voice peaking. Then he cleared his throat, "Um, yeah. That's great. Of course you want to listen to more work of I, Rohan Kishibe! Plus, it may help you with your no-."

"Whatever," I said, cutting him off. "Quick question, something just came to mind."

"What's that?" He asked. He didn't have a chance to retort.

I asked, "Did you use Heaven's Door on me while we were... you know?"

Rohan answered with his noise up, "Yeah, but it's of no concern to you. I can just erase it now. Heav-."

I quickly covered his mouth before he could continue. I was suspicious of him. "What did you write?"

Rohan looked to the side nervously. "Eh... well." He was hesitant. He looked at me before averting his eyes. He took a breath before squeezing out, "I wrote for you not to hear my moans."  He looked back at me to find me on the verge of laughing. "Don't laugh at me!"

I laughed, "I'm not laughing."

"You clearly are!"

I said laughing louder, "Okay, I admit it. I'm laughing!"

Rohan replied, "There is nothing to admit! You are laughing right in front of my face!"

"I'm sorry," I said wiping unfallen tears from my eyes. "To tell the truth, I wish I hadn't missed something that would've been so hot!" His stand is amazing and overpowered, but he used it for that? "Go ahead and erase it please." I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

He moved his arm to support my back as he said, "Heaven's Door!"

My body lost all strength. I watched him lift the hem of my dress a little. He wrote down something on my thigh and placed my dress back in place.

I asked, "Why did it have to be there?"

He said, "That's where I originally wrote it. That's very cute underwear buy the way."

Suddenly, I got my strength back. I pouted, "Since you got to look at mine, lemme look at yours! I never got a good look!" I reached down and grabbed his belt buckle. He chose the most inconvenient way to let me get in his pants today.


I retaliated with, "Rohan!"

"Don't mock me!"

"Run me those panties!"

He scoffed, "I thought that you weren't a sexual deviant."

I scoffed a reply, "Says the one who was in my panties earlier!"

"Stop saying panties!"

That didn't stop me. I managed to undo his belt.


That wasn't Rohan.

Rohan and I looked at each other, then our eyes moved over to the doorway. I didn't see anyone at first, but I looked downward.

It was Koichi. He was flustered. "Uh uh! Sorry! I came at the wrong time! I should've knocked!"

"Koichi!" Rohan said as if Koichi being there saved his life.

I quickly turned my eyes back to Rohan's undone pants. I pulled the edge of his pants and looked. Is that Versace? Too bad it wasn't easy to see through. But there was something about his underwear... I put his pants back in place quickly.


I zipped his pants up and got off of his lap. I said trying to suppress my giddiness of what I just saw, "You're fine, Koichi."

Koichi said nervously, "Um, okay." He was looking at something to my left.

I sighed understand what he was looking at, "It's There For Tomorrow, isn't it?"

He nodded.

I turned to see TFT blushing and silently squealing. He was twirling while having a fangirl moment. I sighed as I dematerialize him.

When I glanced back at Rohan, his belt was buckled.

"Excuse my intrusion," Koichi said. "I just came by because Rohan told me to come in at this time."

I glared at Rohan. "I thought that this was your rest day."

Rohan shrugged, "I wanted some more inspiration." He stood up and said, "Come on in, Koichi."

I sighed, "Fine." I should've known that was to be suspected of him.

He walked towards his desk, but before he could sit, I reached to back of his pants. I pulled and took another look.

Hm, that's what I suspected.

It was a Versace thong.

"Ame!" He gasped with a blush on his face.

I could hear Koichi squeal with alarm.

I put my hands up and said, "I'm done. I promise!"

"Good," he said. Then he turned to Koichi and said, "Let's go to the store A. Wanna come too, Ame?" He grabbed a sketch pad and a camera.

"Sure," I shrugged. I grabbed my bag that held my notebook and writing utensils. Might as well take advantage of this situation.

Not gonna lie, this was a very eventful  day.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now