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I went over to Rohan's house two days later. I knocked on the front door and waited. After two minutes, I just let myself in. I went straight to his office to search for him. For all I knew, he was on a roll writing, so it was best to come in myself.

When I arrived to the office, I didn't see Rohan at the desk drawing. I found him on lying on the couch asleep. He was lightly snoring.

I went over to Rohan's face and leaned over. I gave him a kiss on his forehead.

I watched as he stirred in his sleep. I grabbed a cover from the top of his couch's back and laid it over him.

Internally, I decided to make him some tea. I left the room and went to the kitchen.

When I arrived to the kitchen, I found someone in there. She looked harmless, but I couldn't be sure. She was a girl in a cute dress. She had pinkish hair and dark pink eyes. She was already making some tea.

I took out TFT as I squinted out of the doorway.

TFT floated over to the woman's back.

When the woman turn around, she walked past TFT. She couldn't see him, so she wasn't a stand user. But she saw me.

She gasped, "Oh! I thought I heard something. I thought it was Rohan. Are you a friend of his?" She wasn't perturbed of seeing someone she hasn't seen before.

I haven't even met her before! I said awkwardly, "Y-yes. Who are you?"

She answered, "I'm Kyoka Izumi, his editor."

Something within me exhaled in relief. Seeing a random stranger in your boyfriend's house really makes things tense. "Oh, um... I'm Ame."

"Oh!" She said surprised. "You must be the girl he really likes."


She continued, "He mentioned you by name earlier, which is rare in his case, so I can only assume that he really think highly of you."

I felt my face grow warm from this information being said from a person I just met.

Kyoka said, "Let me get this to Rohan before they get cold." She held the tea in front of her carefully. "Excuse me." She scooted pass me and began her trek to the office.

Me? I decided to help myself to his fridge. I found something tolerable: an apple. Then I went back upstairs to the office.

Kyoka was standing at his desk looking at his work while sipping on her tea.

Rohan was still on the couch, but this time he was sitting up half asleep. His cover that I placed over him on his shoulders. His hands firmly clasped the cup as the steam wafted in his face. Was he okay?

"Good morning, Rohan," I greeted.

Rohan sucked his teeth then sighed.

Does this man want to fight, or was something really wrong?

Kyoka smiled and said, "This chapter seems to be going well, but you know what will fit in this? Romance."

"I refuse," he said shutting her down.

She reasoned, "Come on! It seems like you have the experience to work with. Like you said you need to experience it to make it reality or something." She gestured to me.

He sucked his teeth and said, "I don't need it in my story."

She said, "It's obvious that this 'Yuki' is Ame." She must've been referring to that character that Rohan used me for.

He said, "No. I don't want to."

"Why not?" She replied.

"Because I already tried it," he snarled.

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now