What Was The Purpose of This Chapter

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Rohan was gone for a week. It was one of those things were he wanted to explore and research for his manga. Today was the day he was supposed to come back.

I arrived to his home, and I went into his unlocked house. That means that he was home if his door was unlocked.

I went to his office and found him amidst drawing for his manga. He had his back to me as he drew with fervor. I quietly moved to the couch and sat down. I asked, "How was it?"

Rohan said, "It was amazing!" Then he went on a rant on what he experienced that week. This man lived a crazy life for his manga. Then he ended with, "I also made you a key to my home, so you can be there when I come home."

"Oh?" I said surpised.

Rohan say down his writing utensil and dug into his pocket. He held out a key towards me without looking up from his work.

I got up and grabbed it from his hand.

Before I could pull my hand back, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. I was up against his chest.

This was the first time he looked at me since I came into the room. He examined my face and said, "A week is too long to not see you. Next time, you should come with me."

I scoffed, "And get killed by some unknown diety? No thank you. Your work life is too wild for me."

Rohan looked down and observed, "You aren't wearing a dress today."

I said, "I can't wear a dress every day." Then I muttered, "And you said I was bad at focusing."

"You are." His arm wrapped around my waist as if to pull me closer, but I was already against him.

I scoffed as if I was about to say something, but I couldn't think of what to say. It resulted in me sputtering, "Whatever." Then my attention couldn't help but turn to his... nether regions. "Lemme guess, you are in the mood to draw."

Rohan said obliviously, "Yeah, how did you know?"

I mumbled, "It's poking me."


I repeated as my face grew warm in embarrassment, "It's poking me." I quickly pulled away.

"Oh," he said. "Don't worry about it."

"Why not?" I said trying to push away my embarrassment. I mean, it's not everyday that that's the subject I would talk about. "You are always touching me and stuff?"

He asked, "And do you hate it?"

"No," I answered.

"Good," he said.

I could only assume that he didn't like to be on the receiving end. But I didn't just want to assume. "Do you not like being touched?"

"It's not that," he answered clarifying my confusion. "I just don't really care for that type of pleasure. I like it, but it's not the first thing I would pick. But if I can make you feel good, then I am satisfied."

"That's... at least, I'm less confused." I thought about what he said. "So you want to continue to write your manga?"

"Yes," he answered.

"Okay." I remembered the key he gave me was still in my hand. I put the key in my pocket.

He gave me a little kiss on the cheek and said, "Just tell me if you want something." He fully let me go and began drawing more eager than before.

I watched him go at his work. I was slightly disappointed, but I had to expect Rohan to be in the writing mood. I went back to the couch and sat down. I continued watching him.

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