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"So what now?" Rohan asked. I was in his arms with my back to his chest. He sounded bored.

"Um..." I said unable to figure out what to do next. I may be eighteen, but I wasn't big on relationship activities. Most of the time, I was pushed by emotions like the last time we made out.

I felt Rohan's lips get close to my ear. His breath tickled my ear. He said, "At least let me touch you."

With my voice wavering with excitement, I said, "Okay."

He asked, "Is that a firm yes?"

"Yeah," I said. I didn't understand why he was asking twice like he wasn't just touching all up on me a week ago.

Next thing I knew it, his hands were all over me. His hands were as curious as himself.

I let him touch whatever, no matter how surprised I got. Some places felt better than others.

Eventually, I did jump as his fingers gently dug into my sides. I was ticklish there.

He did it again making me yelp.

I glared at him as he gave me an amused smile.

He teased, "I know where you're ticklish."

I paused and asked, "Why are your hands wet?"

He shrugged, "Why do you think?" He looked to the side as if he didn't want to admit that he was touching me way more than usual today. That look on his face made me began blushing, so I looked away. He scoffed, "Why are you getting embarassed?"

"You're the one blushing!" I said as much face got warmer.

"No, I'm not."

Yes, he was, but I wasn't in the mood to argue back. I just laughed internally at his growing red face. He sputtered, "How about we-." He stopped abruptly. "I need to write. Where's my sketchpad."

I looked around. "Oh um uh... I think it's still at the table."

Rohan was about to stand up, but I said, "I got it. Hold on." I reached my hand up and called, "World Calling!"

In front of me, an opening appeared and the table we were sitting at earlier was right in front of me. TFT appeared and grabbed Rohan's and my stuff that was left alone. TFT flew back in with our stuff.

Once Rohan got his sketchpad and utensils back, he got to work. He got in the mode as he began drawing. He kept his arms around me with the sketchpad in front of me while I was on his lap.

I asked, "So what gave you the sudden idea?"

Rohan said, "I was pondering something earlier."

"Oh okay," I sat there watching him do his work. I asked him questions every once and a while.

After a while, I noticed something about who he was drawing. I asked, "This person looks familiar."

He said as he hand continued his work, "Well, it should if you look in the mirror often."

"Oh." That was all I could say. "So like... you're using me in one of your chapters? I'm flattered."

"Good," he said curtly. "Because that last time I used someone I liked in my transcript for my manga, she got angry and destroyed it."

I gasped, "That's... rude." So this dude does fall in love often.

He shrugged, "That was back when I was 17, so that was a long time ago. Don't get any funny ideas about mentioning her."

I scoffed, "I'm not." Okay that was a lie, but it was good getting reassurance. Then I asked, "Did you ever see her often?"

He sighed annoyed, "I've not seen her since then. It's been ten years."

Rohan Kishibe: There For TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now