Yeah Yeah

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"Okay okay," Rohan sighed. "You can stop laughing."

Currently, I was laughing after writing about witnessing Koichi attacking Rohan. I laughed, "B-but you were like 'oh no' then BAM! Hahahah!"

We were walking down the streets of Morioh. I held my notebook in my hand as we walked. I was wiping tears with my free hand from laughing too hard.

"Whoo, it's so hot from all this laughing."

"Nope, it's just really hot," Rohan commented.

I said, "Maybe I should wear a croptop like you." I chuckled. "Like I ever would."

"Why not?" He asked.

I asked, "Seriously?"

"Yeah," he repeated. "Why not?" He seemed genuinely curious.

I shrugged, "Well, I'm not as confident as you."

"Hm," he mumbled. "I would like to see you in one." He put his hand to his chin as he looked up. "That would be a sight to behold."

"No, it will not," I scoffed. He said out loud what I thought to myself about him. My face grew warm as his emerald eyes scanned my body. "Stop staring so much."

He looked away but not without taking a peek back at me.

"How do you find the confidence to where a croptop?" I wanted to pushed his attention from me to him.

"Me?" He said. "I refuse to let people's opinions to skew what I do. It's not like I care."

I nodded, "Hm, that is definitely something you would do. That's totally part of your personality." I put my hand to my chin and looked him up and down.

"No need to stare at me so much," he said as his cheeks began to turn pink.

I looked away as I felt myself blush.

Yeesh. Too much blushing. There was a lot of "chain blushing" between us. I may have made that phrase up, but it was no doubt true.

Rohan piped up, "But I would like to see you with a croptop." His face was a brighter pink.

"No," I said snapping out of it.

"For me?" He said.

"I refuse," I denied.

"What if it was for my manga?" He asked.

I stopped, "Hm..." There was something different than just him wanting to see me all dressed up. If it was for his manga, I would totally be for it... how did he know? I glanced at him.

He met me back with a knowing smile.

I pouted, "Don't look at me like that."

Rohan said, "So about the croptop?"

I sighed, "Only when you need to for your manga, sure. But right now, we are working out and about."

"Fine," he said. "I'll wait until we are alone and working on my manga."

"Plus," I added. "I don't own a croptop."

"Wear mine," he simply said.

"HOW?" I said in disbelief.

He said, "In private with me."

I covered my mouth as I started to become flustered. I began walking faster, "You know that's not what I mean."

It didn't take much to keep up with my strides. Actually, I think he was walking slower for me in the first place.

"Yeah, yeah," he said as he waved his hand.

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